It is not possible to look at Fox or the GOP candidates without them bringing up Ronald Reagan. Let me state that I voted for Reagan and I did NOT vote for Carter or Kennedy. My objective is to look at WHAT has the Reagan Presidency meant to you and I today? Reagan was a great communicator and presented a very positive image of America to the world. I believe that was his greatest attribute. However when I ask what of that remains today I have to say, regrettably, NOTHING. Eve...
I decided to tape the Republican Presidential debate so I would be able to watch it at my leisure. It was clear each of the candidates did their best to show how they supported what they believe were the conservative principals of Reagan. They moved from issue to issue and expressed a position that generally is the foundation of the conservative Republican agenda. If these10 men were attempting to become the head of the Republican National Committee I believe they would represent som...
Bush again got his way and I think it is clear Congress will again give Bush his way in Iraq. The next funding bill may contain some non binding language about what the Iraqi Government should do but will have no impact on the outcome of the Iraq war. In August we will have the final input as to the impact of the Surge. I believe that evaluation will show that the Civil War and the operations of al Qaeda will be at a level that will clearly show the added U.S. Troops has not brough...
I served 30 years as a member of first the Regular Army and then the Army Reserve. I met some of the most dedicated people in my life in the military. Almost to a person they accepted the tasks given them even when those tasks caused great hardship to them and their families. From everything I have read and scene on TV today, our military has never been more committed to protecting our great country. That is what makes what we have done to them so hard to accept. We sent them into com...
In 2005 President Bush made a big deal for the need to reform Social Security and then proposed a change that would make the problem of paying the promised benefits to the 78 Million Baby Boomers more not loess of a problem. Now for the second year in a row the Medicare Trustees have issued a warning that the REAL problem is with Medicare. This finding by the Medicare trustees will require Bush to submit a proposal to Congress to deal with the impending problem with Medicare funding...
This week two of the Bush appointees have shown how inept they have proven to be. The Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and the president of the World Bank Paul Wolfowitz. Each time the President goes on TV and tells us that his appointees, that have failed to perform their job, have his FULL CONFIDENCE the President shows his incompetence. In addition to these two we have Harriet Myers that Bush tried to get on the Supreme Court. We have Mike Brown from FEMA. David Safavian the corrup...
The U.S. Military WON the war that Congress authorized to remove Saddam and destroy his military. Our troops did an outstanding job and there is no doubt that we won that war. The second war in Iraq began to develop the day after Saddam fell with the riots and has been getting worse ever since. Our removal of the control exercised by Saddam was NOT replaced with a level of force that was able to prevent the factions that hate each other in Iraq from organizing and fighting for contro...
Bush and Cheney filed their 2006 Federal Income Taxes which are available on the Web. They have not only taken care of their wealthy supporters but themselves as well. Cheney is the Bigger Winner. With an income of $1,801,272 in 2006, Cheney paid only 22.9% ($413, 326) in Federal income Taxes. In 2001 Cheney paid 38% of his income in Federal income tax. Nice tax cut from 38% to 23% from ther Bush tax cuts! Bush paid 24.3 % ($ 186,378) with an income of $765,801 These a...
George W. Bush is again threatening to Veto a new bill that would allow Federal Funding of Stem Cell Research. He argues that we can not destroy human life. What the President does not seem to get is the frozen stem cells that are left over from in-vitro fertilization will be destroyed as medical waste. The choice is not between life and destruction of these cells. The choice is destruction by incineration as medical waste or destruction to seek cures for disease. The Bush answer will d...
The White House has violated two laws by using non-government e-mail accounts to transect government business. Twenty-two Top White House Officials, including Karl Rove, were regularly using RNC e-mail accounts they established and conducted federal government business using these RNC accounts the White House admitted. The RNC deleted their e-mail every 30 days which violated the law that REQUIRES all government e-mails to be preserved. This was not an accident because these 22 White Hous...
Anyone who claims to care about our military can not support what George W. Bush has done to them. I just read the new TIME article about what Bush has done to our Army. Training has been cut short so the added troops could be rushed to Iraq. Equipment is not available or is not working properly. Units are being sent back after ONLY 9 Months and National Guard Units are being sent for a second tour. The Bush budget does not contain enough money to operate the Army and the Army Chief...
No loyal AMERICAN COULD ARGUE WITH THE OBJECTIVE IN Iraq Which is to make America Safer. Bush told us we were in mortal danger (mushroom Clouds) because of Saddam, and we needed to allow the Iraqi people to establish a democracy that would spread thought out the region and reduce the risk of future attacks of the U.S. lets look at the RESULTS after over 4 years of the Iraq war. The Iraq war has not resulted in a more sable Iraq but has increase the instability in the region....
In my last Blog I documented the fact more and more of the wealth in moving to the top and the middle income Americans are not benefiting from the current economic policies. I support Free enterprise and understand it has produced the economic strength that has enabled our country to be successful. However, today what we are seeing is the objective of ever increasing corporate profits at odds with the welfare of our country . Two recent examples will prove my point. Bill Gates has been ...
I have written several Blogs that deal with the growing disparity between the Haves and the rest of America. Below is a study that documents that is just what has been taking place under the Bush tax and economic policies: March 28, 2007, 10:20PM U.S. income gap growing wider The rich are getting richer while the poor have lost some ground, recent tax data show By DAVID CAY JOHNSTON New York Times TAXING TIMES The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities...
The threatened veto of the supplemental to fund the Iraq War contains ALL the money Bush requested to support out troops through the end of the fiscal year. Now Bush is telling the American People that if Congress passes the supplemental with restrictions on the War, he will veto the bill and Congress will have failed to fund the troops. That is not correct Mr. President! If congress had not included the needed funding such a claim would be valid. However, if you veto the bill that co...