Congress needs to tell Bush this will not happen. Army Considers Longer Combat Tours Again By ANNE FLAHERTY (Associated Press Writer) From Associated Press June 19, 2007 3:58 PM EDT WASHINGTON - The Army is considering whether it will have to extend the combat tours of troops in Iraq if President Bush opts to maintain the recent buildup of forces through spring 2008. Acting Army Secretary Pete Geren testified Tuesday that the service is reviewing other options, including relying...
The report to Congress by the Pentagon acknowledges the overall violence in Iraq is as bad or worse then before the surge. The report covers the period from February thru mid-May. Although some sections of Baghdad have shown less violence there are still attacks in the capital almost every day. The experts predicted that the most likely result of the Bush Surge would be an up surge in violence in other areas of the country. That is exactly what has taken place. The report also c...
The story by Ned Parker of the Los Angeles Times clearly shows why the Bush plan in Iraq has failed. Everyone has acknowledged that only through Political Resolution can the Violence in Iraq come under control. NOT the Surge and NOT the presence of 160,000 American Troops will end the Violence and when we leave the MOST likely scenario is that Iraq will face a more intense Civil War. Mr. Parker described the relationship between Nouri al-Maliki and the other members of the Iraqi Gove...
Bush claims without his Comprehensive Immigration Law he can not secure the border. That is just another Bush LIE. He has the authority to control the border but has failed to act even after 9/11. We have laws to punish employers that hire Illegal’s but Bush does not enforce the laws. We must first STOP people from entering our country illegally and we need to punish employers from hiring illegals. What Bush wants is to reward people who have broken our laws and the cost of his c...
Of the 2008 presidential candidates who were in Congress in 2002, only Biden read the NIE before voting to allow Bush to take this country to War in Iraq! Edwards, Clinton, McCain and Brownback all admitted they cast the most important vote that any member of Congress can make without reading the most complete assessment of the reasons to attack another country—The National Intelligence Estimate. As former Governor Gilmore said, Members of Congress “ought to read at least that kind of mat...
The Senate Intelligence Committee voted yesterday to include the previously secret advice given Bush as to the probable consequence of our invading Iraq! This information is part of the 229 Page report from the Senate Intelligence Committee and the vote by committee members still had 5 GOP members voting to keep this advice from the public. The formerly classified intelligence given to Bush said al-Qaeda would see U.S. Military action as an opportunity to increase its operations a...
That National Guard is in trouble. They do not have the resources, especially equipment, to handle multiple disasters. Most Guard Units have only 30% of the equipment and much of what they have needs replacement! In fact most state guard units would have to draw on guard units from other states just to deal with a single disaster. Gen Blum said the situation in the Guard is more dangerous than al Qaeda. In addition for the first time 52% of employers said they would not hire Gu...
BAGHDAD - Outgoing British Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose premiership has been dominated by his unpopular decision to join the Iraq war, arrived here on a farewell visit Saturday, and three mortar shells or rockets slammed into the compound where he met with Iraq's leaders. BAGHDAD - The American military widened the search for three missing U.S. soldiers, detaining nine people in a raid Saturday about 25 miles northwest of where the Americans were captured last weekend. The U.S. comm...
Again last night the GOP Presidential candidates fell all over themselves trying to prove they are GOOD CONSERVATIVES. Why do they not understand they are not trying to lead the GOP but the nation? Anyone that looks at what the MAJORITY of Americans want from their government will see that the majority DO NOT want a Conservative Agenda. We need candidates from BOTH parties that have an agenda that draws from all sides and support policies that are CENTRIST. As a moderate Republican ...
The price of gas is not something that can be ignored. The explanation from Big Oil is just not acceptable. They claim the spring maintenance is the reason for the highest gas prices ever in this Country. At the same time oil company profits continue to set new records. With the obscene profits oil companies have received they have not built ANY new refineries in 20 years to deal with the supply issue they claim is why prices are high. It is time to simply tax away the increasing pr...
It is not possible to look at Fox or the GOP candidates without them bringing up Ronald Reagan. Let me state that I voted for Reagan and I did NOT vote for Carter or Kennedy. My objective is to look at WHAT has the Reagan Presidency meant to you and I today? Reagan was a great communicator and presented a very positive image of America to the world. I believe that was his greatest attribute. However when I ask what of that remains today I have to say, regrettably, NOTHING. Eve...
I decided to tape the Republican Presidential debate so I would be able to watch it at my leisure. It was clear each of the candidates did their best to show how they supported what they believe were the conservative principals of Reagan. They moved from issue to issue and expressed a position that generally is the foundation of the conservative Republican agenda. If these10 men were attempting to become the head of the Republican National Committee I believe they would represent som...
Bush again got his way and I think it is clear Congress will again give Bush his way in Iraq. The next funding bill may contain some non binding language about what the Iraqi Government should do but will have no impact on the outcome of the Iraq war. In August we will have the final input as to the impact of the Surge. I believe that evaluation will show that the Civil War and the operations of al Qaeda will be at a level that will clearly show the added U.S. Troops has not brough...
I served 30 years as a member of first the Regular Army and then the Army Reserve. I met some of the most dedicated people in my life in the military. Almost to a person they accepted the tasks given them even when those tasks caused great hardship to them and their families. From everything I have read and scene on TV today, our military has never been more committed to protecting our great country. That is what makes what we have done to them so hard to accept. We sent them into com...
In 2005 President Bush made a big deal for the need to reform Social Security and then proposed a change that would make the problem of paying the promised benefits to the 78 Million Baby Boomers more not loess of a problem. Now for the second year in a row the Medicare Trustees have issued a warning that the REAL problem is with Medicare. This finding by the Medicare trustees will require Bush to submit a proposal to Congress to deal with the impending problem with Medicare funding...