Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
COL Gene's Articles In Politics » Page 30
November 1, 2006 by COL Gene
The failure of the Iraq war could not be more clearly shown by the fact that our military was forced to abandon their search for the abducted American Soldier by an anti- American Cleric and the Prime Minister of Iraq. When the Anti-American leader of Mahdi Army pressured the Iraqi Prime Minister to get the Americans out of his territory in Sadr City, our military was ORDERED by Al-Maliki to end their blockades in the area where the U.S. Soldier was abducted and where we believe he may...
October 31, 2006 by COL Gene
The latest revelation is that almost ½ Million Arms supplied by the U.S. can not be found and many may be in the hands of the insurgents. This is the results of the Comptroller General for Iraq report to Congress. This latest revelation shows the almost total incompetence of this administration. This is on top of the fact that over $9 of the $21 billion in aid to rebuild Iraq can not be accounted for by the Bush Administration. It is hard to believe just how inept this administration...
October 26, 2006 by COL Gene
Today Bush said how important it was to enforce the laws of the United States at his signing of the law authorizing some 700 miles of border fence between the U.S. and Mexico. This from a man that has ignored the laws that require employers to not to hire illegal workers. A president that had not enforced our immigration laws. A president the refused to request the authorization of the 10,000 added border agents that Bush said were needed to guard the border. A president that does not enfor...
October 25, 2006 by COL Gene
The New York Times October 25, 2006 Military Analysis Iraqi Realities Undermine the Pentagon’s Predictions By MICHAEL R. GORDON BAGHDAD, Oct. 24 — In trying to build support for the American strategy in Iraq, Gen. George W. Casey Jr. said Tuesday that the Iraqi military could be expected to take over the primary responsibility for securing the country within 12 to 18 months. But that laudable goal seems far removed from the violence-plagued streets of Iraq’s capital, where Ameri...
October 24, 2006 by COL Gene
The final 2006 budget expenditures are available on the Treasury web Site. You can also get a summary on www.federalbudget.com. Here are the GRIM facts: Interest payments on the National Debt is the third largest federal expenditure. In 2006 it totaled $406 Billion. Only Health and Human Services at $660 Billion and National Defense at $540 Billion were more then we spent on Interest. The money we spent on Heath and Human Services and Defense provided Americans with essential services....
October 23, 2006 by COL Gene
One of the Republican claims is that if Democrats take over Congress they will increase YOUR taxes. This is ANOTHER LIE by the party that brought you the Iraq War. Let’s look at the issue of increasing taxes.The GOP claims the Democrats will increase the “Death Tax” (Federal Estate Tax).The current law will restore the tax rates to pre Bush tax Cut rates in 2011. The other fact is that only 1% of taxpayers ever pay this tax. The GOP ads make it sound like the death tax is harming most taxpay...
October 18, 2006 by COL Gene
The politics of Gas Prices The retail price of gas has been dropping to the delight of Bush and the GOP. There have been a lot of rumors as to why just before the election the retail gas prices should have dropped so much. Could it be an attempt by BIG OIL to help their friends in the GOP to retain power? Are they looking for the next big tax cut from Bush or just thanking him for the $12 Billion dollar gift in the energy bill? Let’s take a look and see if the drop in gas prices is linke...
October 15, 2006 by COL Gene
Most believe that the Democrats are the party responsible for taxes. The facts prove otherwise. The impact of the increased national debt and the Interest we must pay on that increased debt will cause a major increase in your taxes in the future. Below are the facts directly from the Bureau of Public Debt, Dept of the U.S. Treasury: Fiscal Year Amount Interest Paid in Billions 09/30/2006 $8,549,647,928,127...
October 13, 2006 by COL Gene
Last night the Sec of the Treasury was interviewed on Fox News and was explaining about the impending financial disaster created by the ballooning entitlement programs. The two largest such programs are Social Security and Medicare. After listening to his dire warnings, I agree that we and our children have a series of financial disasters heading for our country. Now that the Treasury Secretary understands we have a problem he needs to look at causes for the problem. First let’s look a...
October 9, 2006 by COL Gene
The drive of North Korea and Iraq to acquire nuclear weapons is not to attack the United States but to prevent the United States or any other country from attacking them. It is true that both North Korea and Iran were trying to acquire nuclear weapons long before Bush invaded Iraq. However the preemptive invasion and willingness to affect regime change by force has increased the desire of these two countries to obtain a small supply of these weapons. There is no question, if Iran or North...
October 7, 2006 by COL Gene
The latest poll about what Americans think of the way Bush is handling the economy continue to show 60% do not approve of the way Bush is handling the economy. This morning on MSNBC was a discussion of why the record high stock market, higher corporate profits, higher tax collections and lower gas has prices have not been reflected in the way Americans think Bush is handling the economy. Here is WHY. As to the stock market, 80% of the stocks are owned by 10% of Americans. Even t...
October 4, 2006 by COL Gene
Record Attacks. Record American deaths. 1000 Iraqi Police removed. 3,000 per week dead in Iraq. How long will it take for George W. Bush to understand his Iraq War is a FAILURE!!! How many more dead will it take to convince the President that Iraq can not be controlled by our military. Only the people of Iraq can settle who will run Iraq not George W. Bush! He is NOT the DECIDER!
October 4, 2006 by COL Gene
Republican members of Congress are supporting Speaker of the House in the way he handled the Floey matter. They claim he should not be replaced, as some conservatives are demanding, because he was a “Good Foot Soldier for President Bush”. Since when is the Congress the Foot Soldier of the Execuative Branch? It is time for EVERY member of Congress to read the U.S. Constitution. Congress is NOT the Foot Soldier of the President. It is a Co-equal branch of government and an ESSENTIAL pa...
October 3, 2006 by COL Gene
Two polls have been completed in Iraq that show about 70% want our troops to leave Iraq NOW. In a second poll about the same percent support ATTACKS on our troops. The Program on International Policy Attitudes released a new poll on Iraqi public opinion today which finds that seven in ten Iraqis want US-led forces to commit to withdraw within a year. Moreover, an overwhelming majority believes that the US military presence in Iraq is provoking more conflict than it is preventing. The...
October 1, 2006 by COL Gene
Within the past several weeks we have had two prime examples of how our democracy is being protected by the press. We hear the Conservatives and Bush/Cheney complain about leaks and how they are harming our country. There are some properly classified stories that have been leaked by the press that have harmed our security such as the way we have monitored Ben Laden from him using his Cell Phone. The two instances recently are the NYT/AP story about the NIE report saying the Iraq war...