Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
COL Gene's Articles In Politics » Page 28
July 19, 2007 by COL Gene
Today Ambassador Crooker briefed Congress and his assessment is in stark contrast with some of the “Things look better in some areas” from our military. He told congress his assessment about Iraq is “ FEAR” He also said he does not believe the Iraq Government will meet the benchmarks for the needed political changes by September . Most of the stories allude to the report by Gen. Petraeus. There is an equally important part of this report from Ambassador Crocker about the progress or...
July 17, 2007 by COL Gene
The release of the NIE documents that al-Qaeda and similar groups have expanded their operations and ability to carry our attacks against the U.S. It also clearly demonstrates that simply ending al-Qaeda operations in Iraq will not change the level of danger from futurte attacks on the U.S. Below are changes we have made to help prevent another attack on the U.S.: Increased cooperation and surveillance by domestic agencies like the FBI, NSA, and CIA. We have substantially imp...
July 17, 2007 by COL Gene
I took a look at the Senators whose terms end at the end of 2007. Just by the numbers the GOP must be having Heartburn. There are 34 Senate seats up for election—33 in regular elections and one special election to fill out a term in Wyoming. The GOP has 22 (21 regular and one special election) members and the Democrats 12. “OUCH” There is an outstanding Web site that provides in-depth information about the Senate election in 2008. That sight is: http://en.wikipendia.org/wiki/Unit...
July 16, 2007 by COL Gene
The argument that President Bush falls back on to NOT begin removing U.S. Forces from Iraq is that our withdrawal would allow the foreign terrorist organizations to plan and conduct future attacks in our country. The notion we are better to fight them over there then here. The truth is that even if we were able to eliminate ALL foreign terrorist operations in Iraq we would remain in the same danger from future attacks by al-Qaeda et al. All the previous attacks such as the first twi...
July 14, 2007 by COL Gene
The PM of Iraq said today that Iraq can defend itself. All they need is some additional equipment. It is now time for President Bush to order the removal of U.S. Forces from Iraq. We can leave the needed equipment in Iraq to provide the items the PM claims he needs to defend Iraq. That will save us the money to ship it home and with the savings from ending operations in Iraq we can replace the equipment we leave in Iraq. We have been told by Bush that as soon as the Iraqi’s were ca...
July 14, 2007 by COL Gene
Last night on MSNBC’s Hardball Rep. Jim Moran (D) from VA and Phil Gingrey (R) from Georgia were debating the Iraq War Policy. As would be expected, the debate became heated as Rep. Moran argued to pull our forces out of Iraq and Rep. Gingrey supported the Bush Iraq Policy. Rep. Gingrey said he wanted to remain in Iraq until we achieved VICTORY just like Bush wanted. The Moderator then asked Rep. Gingrey what he meant by “Victory in Iraq”? He said his definition was the same as Presid...
July 13, 2007 by COL Gene
Last night CNN ran a story about the fact that since 2004 the Bush budget has CUT funding for border protection operations in Arizona by 60%. The story went on to say that the State of Arizona has requested the restoration of those cuts 30 times and the Bush Administration refused to restore the cuts. Arizona is where more drugs enter the U.S. then any other point along the Mexican/American Border. It is also an area were significant numbers of illegal alien’s come into the Un...
July 12, 2007 by COL Gene
U.S. Intelligence has concluded that after 6 years of bombings and fighting in Afghanistan, al-Qaeda has reconstituted and is as strong and capable as before 9/11. While we tie the majority of our ground forces up in a Civil War in Iraq, the terrorist group RESPONSIBLE for 9/11 and all the other attacks against our country have been allowed to become a big a danger as it was before 9/11. Bush tells us how his Iraq War will prevent the enemy from bringing the attack to us while the gro...
July 9, 2007 by COL Gene
The Iraq Government has not met a single benchmark to resolve the many issues essential to ending the violence in Iraq. It is now time to bring our troops home and allow the Iraqi people to deal with the future of Iraq. We can not continue to sacrifice our military for a country that refuses to do its part. This together with an increase in the violence can not be ignored. The time is up and Congress MUST force an end to our involvement in this misguided war! Official: Iraq Gov't Missed...
July 7, 2007 by COL Gene
Yesterday there was a fourth assassination attempt on the leader of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf since he began supporting the United States in the fight against al Qaeda when antiaircraft fire was directed at his airplane as it took off from an airbase in Pakistan. There is a strong opposition within Pakistan for President Musharraf and his cooperation with the United States. Recent unrest developed when he removed the countries Chief Justice and this week there is the demonstration of ...
July 6, 2007 by COL Gene
As George W. Bush moves closer to January 20, 2009, his attention and the attention of historians will focus on the legacy of Bush. For the most part that legacy has been set in stone and I can only see it becoming more negative depending on the Iraq War over the next 18 months. Conservatives will lament the huge increase in the size of government, the increased debt and the new entitlement from the Prescription Drug Plan that was not funded. They will not be happy with his Immigratio...
July 3, 2007 by COL Gene
Bush has been saying that if we leave Iraq the Terrorists will follow. Guess what - That is taking place while we are in Iraq. The British have now linked the terrorist attacks last week in Scotland and the two unsuccessful attacks in London to operations in Iraq. Our occupation of Iraq has spawned al Qaeda operations in Iraq like the operations in Afghanistan that brought 9/11 to America. There were also dire warnings this week that attacks are planned from the terrorists in Iraq f...
July 2, 2007 by COL Gene
CNN just reported that American Officials have confirmed Hezbollah forces from Lebanon are coming into Iraq and attacking U.S. Forces with the most sophisticated bombs that can destroy our best armor. Now we have the internal factions, al Qaeda and now Hezbollah to deal with in Iraq. The security situation continues to get worse every week and this turn of events is another sign that we are not controlling the violence. We have spent over 4 years to train over 350,000 Iraqi Milit...
June 28, 2007 by COL Gene
The refusal of Bush to submit the documents subpoenaed by the House and Senate Judiciary committees is the last straw. Congress has the responsibility of Oversight and they can not exercise that responsibility if Bush can pick and choose what information he will release. Executive Privilege does not trump the responsibility of Congress to be able to insure the executive Branch is not violating the laws of the United States. To allow such a practice would mean a President could violate AN...
June 27, 2007 by COL Gene
Bush claims we can not control our illegal immigration without his guest worker program. The problem with that argument is that we currently have EIGHT guest worker programs. These are the guest programs that are currently available: H Visa 372,000 workers E Visa 49,000 I Visa 15,500 L Visa 134,000 O Visa 12,600 P Visa 38,700 R Visa 12,000 NAFTA 5,600 WHY is Bush telling us we need yet another Guest Worker Program in order to control Immigra...