Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
COL Gene's Articles In Politics » Page 26
July 29, 2007 by COL Gene
CNN is reporting that PM Maliki has asked President Bush to replace the American Military Commander in Iraq. At issue are the deals that General Petraeus has been making with the Sunni Militias to obtain their support to fight al-Qaeda. Below is just one of many stories about this growing problem: PM Maliki Wants General Petraeus Out of Iraq Conservative Thoughts By Kathywms on Jul 27, 2007 in Nouri al-Maliki, Shia, WOT, General Petraeus, Sunni, Iraq General Petraeus must be doing...
July 28, 2007 by COL Gene
Thursday the Director of the FBI Robert Mueller contradicted the sworn testimony of Attorney General Gonzales. Muller testified that the subject of the hospital meeting at the bedside of the ailing Attorney General Ashcroft was about the disagreement within the Justice Department of the Warrant less Surveillance program. Gonzales testified the subject of that meeting was NOT about the surveillance program. Someone in NOT telling the truth. It is a sad day for our country when we hav...
July 28, 2007 by COL Gene
President Bush is out of Control. He is under the delusion that he has the power of the purse. For years the Farm Subsidy has strayed from the original intent which was to help the small farmers. The Democrats have made some badly needed changes and now Bush threatens another veto. Here are the changes to the new Farm Bill: Limit aid to farmers with annual incomes up to $1 Million Dollars. Bush and he GOP had allowed farm aid to farmers with incomes of up to $2.5 Million per year...
July 27, 2007 by COL Gene
There is a very disturbing trend from the White House - VETO VETO VETO. President Bush has threatened to veto the Defense appropriations, the money our troops need, if it contains an added ½% pay increase for our military which the Democrats proposed. He has also said he will veto a Defense appropriations bill that contains any language to begin ending the Iraq war. Bush has threatened to veto the bill that would add over 3 million children under the health care plan known as SCH...
July 25, 2007 by COL Gene
The problem with unsafe food coming into the United States is growing. Recently there has been a flurry of health alerts from tainted food much of which is coming from China. The Bush trade policy is more interested in boosting foreign imports then in the safety of the American consumer. For the past several years Bush has been CUTTING the funding for food inspections which has resulted in a reduction in the number of inspectors at a time when there is an increased level of imported...
July 25, 2007 by COL Gene
Yesterday President Bush released what he claims was formerly classified information that proves that al-Qaeda in Iraq is linked to al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He then made his old argument that we can not leave Iraq until al-Qaeda in Iraq has been destroyed. As usual Bush choose to make his assertions at a military base before a captive audience. Most intelligence and military leaders accept the link between al-Qaeda in Iraq and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan/Pakistan. It is also t...
July 23, 2007 by COL Gene
Now the Bush Spin Doctors have developed a new rational to keep our troops in Iraq. The story that developed about six weeks ago was that we would not have a complete picture by September and the Surge would require MORE time to show how effective it would be in controlling the fighting in Iraq. Now we have a NEW twist. If the results show a reduction in the violence in some areas where we have employed additional U.S. Forces, we must keep those increased force levels in place to pre...
July 23, 2007 by COL Gene
Now the President’s security advisor, Fran Thompson admitted yesterday that the Bush agreement to support Musharraf plan to allow the tribal leaders along the border regions of Pakistan alone has allowed al-Qaeda to establish a stronghold in the region in conjunction with Afghanistan. The NIE said the same thing and we now have an expanded al-Qaeda. As I suggested we need to more aggressively attack the real enemy which are the foreign terrorists and get our forces out of the Civil W...
July 21, 2007 by COL Gene
The rupture of the 150 year old steam pipe in New York is an example of our failure to address the replacement of the aging infrastructure in our country. This is an issue I raised in my book where I sighted one survey that believes we have over a Trillion Dollars of needed repair or replacement of the major infrastructure in America. YES, before someone tells me that this issue has existed long before GWB became President I will stipulate to that fact. The issue is Bush has wasted ...
July 20, 2007 by COL Gene
I wish every person who voted for GWB in 2000 or 2004 could have been taken on a trip into the future in a Time Machine so they would be able to see just what their support for him would do to our beloved country. Only those that place there precious tax cuts above all else would have supported Bush if they could have looked at what he has done to our nation. Today I read an article about a bill working its way through the Senate to expand the SCHIP program which would add over 3 mi...
July 19, 2007 by COL Gene
Today Ambassador Crooker briefed Congress and his assessment is in stark contrast with some of the “Things look better in some areas” from our military. He told congress his assessment about Iraq is “ FEAR” He also said he does not believe the Iraq Government will meet the benchmarks for the needed political changes by September . Most of the stories allude to the report by Gen. Petraeus. There is an equally important part of this report from Ambassador Crocker about the progress or...
July 17, 2007 by COL Gene
The release of the NIE documents that al-Qaeda and similar groups have expanded their operations and ability to carry our attacks against the U.S. It also clearly demonstrates that simply ending al-Qaeda operations in Iraq will not change the level of danger from futurte attacks on the U.S. Below are changes we have made to help prevent another attack on the U.S.: Increased cooperation and surveillance by domestic agencies like the FBI, NSA, and CIA. We have substantially imp...
July 17, 2007 by COL Gene
I took a look at the Senators whose terms end at the end of 2007. Just by the numbers the GOP must be having Heartburn. There are 34 Senate seats up for election—33 in regular elections and one special election to fill out a term in Wyoming. The GOP has 22 (21 regular and one special election) members and the Democrats 12. “OUCH” There is an outstanding Web site that provides in-depth information about the Senate election in 2008. That sight is: http://en.wikipendia.org/wiki/Unit...
July 16, 2007 by COL Gene
The argument that President Bush falls back on to NOT begin removing U.S. Forces from Iraq is that our withdrawal would allow the foreign terrorist organizations to plan and conduct future attacks in our country. The notion we are better to fight them over there then here. The truth is that even if we were able to eliminate ALL foreign terrorist operations in Iraq we would remain in the same danger from future attacks by al-Qaeda et al. All the previous attacks such as the first twi...
July 14, 2007 by COL Gene
The PM of Iraq said today that Iraq can defend itself. All they need is some additional equipment. It is now time for President Bush to order the removal of U.S. Forces from Iraq. We can leave the needed equipment in Iraq to provide the items the PM claims he needs to defend Iraq. That will save us the money to ship it home and with the savings from ending operations in Iraq we can replace the equipment we leave in Iraq. We have been told by Bush that as soon as the Iraqi’s were ca...