The continual push of the three GOP candidates for President supporting conservative principals in the primary is a looser in November because the vast majority of voters ARE NOT conservatives. Why support a person for President that would retain policies the majority does not agree with? Issues like: Increasing taxes for people making over $250,000 per year to help pay our bills. Healthcare for most if not all Americans starting with Children. Keep Social Security like it is...
Bush sent his 2009 budget to Congress and it is a JOKE. The problem is it will not be funny for any GOP members of Congress who are running in November 2008. His budget proposes a $400 Billion deficit AFTER he has cut of almost $200 Billion from Medicare and Medicaid. No member of Congress running for reelection could embrace such a budget. The deficit is outrageous and to cut Medicare in an election year would be suicide. Bush is not showing how his proposed Medicare cuts are the res...
“They need to take those savings and extend unemployment and increase the benefits to people who receive Food Stamps. They need to limit tax cuts to business to those who create NEW living wage jobs in the U.S” The issue is not to conform to the DNC but to take action that will be more effective. People who do not have jobs do not spend. People who would get more food stamps would spend more on food. Tax cuts to business that create U.S. Jobs will stimulate OUR economy. People makin...
Some would say that if George Bush’s lips move tonight in the State of the Union address he will be telling us more lies. If he tells us the economy is fundamentally sound we will know he is telling more lies. In every sector of the economic news is bad. New home sales are the latest and many are predicting Real Estate will continue to decline into 2009. Existing home values have dropped 25% and millions may be close to the point where what they owe on their mortgage and home equity ...
The AP under the by line of Robert Burns reports that the situation in Afghanistan and the border areas in Pakistan is deteriorating and without more forces we could lose this fight. Senior U.S. Military commanders said the danger from al-Qaeda is greater from the operations in border area of Pakistan and Afghanistan then anything in Iraq. In fact the growth of al-Qaeda in Pakistan is the worst of all areas according to our senior military commanders. This is in direct conflict ...
After listening to Mike Huckibee as well as some very knowledgeable economists I have come to the conclusion the rebate checks to people is not the answer to help our economy. First, giving these rebate checks to people earning as much as $150,000 is ridiculous. People making six figures will most likely not spend the added money and if the do it will NOT be on something made in the U.S. The case has been made that $150 Billion is too small to impact a $13 Trillion dollar economy and ...
Most on JoeUser refuse to acknowledge reality. My last Blog presented the questions Tim Russet asked the GOP candidates in the Debate this week and the response was to attack me and ignore the issues raised by Mr. Russet because they are not complementary to the GOP Presidential candidates. Here is how the two brain dead on JoeUser responded: “Why would anyone vote for a democrat? They aren't going to control the borders, they are not going to control gas prices......why do yo...
Tim Russet asked all the GOP candidates last night given the dismal record of the past 7 years WHY SHOULD Americans Vote for another Republican? He listed a string of facts about the past 7 years such as: 3 ½ Trillion dollars added to the National debt. Gas prices are double Failure to secure our border No solution to the Funding problem of Social Security The trade problems and loss of manufacturing jobs No energy policy that has made us less dependent on foreign oil NOT ONE...
Many on Joe User are nothing but right wing clones who refuse to accept reality. What a group of losers!
Look at the caliber of the people who run the two non profit organizations that produced the study that showed Bush and his principal staff LIED about Iraq: These are the Directors of the Fund for Independence in Journalism Bevis Longstreth, Board Chairman Bevis Longstreth is a retired partner of Debevoise & Plimpton and a member of the board of trustees of New School University and the College Retirement Equities Fund. He served as a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commissioner, a memb...
On Tuesday The Center for Public Integrity posted the results of their study about how we got into Iraq. They have posted this study on their web site. They concluded the war, “Was an orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanized public opinion and in the process let the nation to war under decidedly false pretenses”. They found 935 False statements were made about the danger from Iraq by Bush and his minions. Bush himself made 259 false statements about the dander Saddam, pos...
Today 12% of all U.S. Jobs are in manufacturing. That is down from 25 % at the start of our so called Free Trade policy. Those that want MORE tax cuts for business tell us that is why manufacturing and Tec Jobs are going out of the country. The real reason is not taxes but labor rates. If tax cuts were the answer we would not be facing the recession we are facing today. We simply can not afford to reduce the federal revenue given the deficit. Tax cuts to business MUST result in New living...
Many economists have doubts that the stimulus plans being talked about will do much to deter a recession. The reason for this doubt is the fact that number one even $150 Billion is a drop in the bucket in a $13 Trillion dollar economy. Second how much of the $150 Billion will actually end up as new spending? I do not know if the size of the proposed plans will be sufficient but I do know the Bush suggestions will not maximize the amount that will end up as new spending. First, Bush h...
The truth about many on JoeUser including those running this Blog site is that they do not respect truth and when anyone tries to bring them truth and facts that do not agree with their preconceived and totally incorrect notions they attack the person putting forth the facts and arguments they do not what to accept. The issue is not respect for me as an individual but respect for the facts and expert opinions I have used to support the arguments I have made. When I am attacked I respo...
Comments about the economy I have made in my Blogs have been criticized now have been proven correct. The issue is the economy and the results of the policies we have been following. The reality is the policies of Bush and the GOP have disproportionately caused the economic benefits flow to business and the wealthy and NOT the average Americans who are falling behind. This has caused people to put more on their debt both credit card and home equity loans and now they are faced with the...