Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
COL Gene's Articles In Politics » Page 8
January 18, 2008 by COL Gene
For months I have been documenting how the U.S. Economy was in trouble. Bush supporters have been telling me that I did not know what I was talking about. The economy was sound as Bush has been saying up to two weeks ago. I looked back at my Blogs since January 1, 2007 where I pointed out the problems with the U.S. Economy on the following dates: Feb 2; Aug 9; Aug 16; Aug 19; Aug 29; Oct 16; Dec 21. The response from most on this Blog site was to tell me I did not know what I ...
January 10, 2008 by COL Gene
When Congress chooses to spend money they can either adopt a Tax and Spend policy or follow what Bush and the GOP did from 2001-2007 - Charge and Spend . If we follow the Tax and Spend approach and spend $100 Billion the total cost to the tax payers is $100 Billion. If we follow a Charge and Spend approach and spend $100 Billion and added it to the National Debt for 20 Years @ 5% interest the total cost to the Tax Payers is $200 Billion . It is clear that of the two appro...
January 10, 2008 by COL Gene
The comments of President Bush in Israel show he does not have a grasp of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. He said it is up to the Palestinians if they want a new state or the status Quo. The truth is it depends on BOTH Israel and the Palestinians to have ANY chance of a settlement. The issues that have prevented a settlement will require MAJOR changes by BOTH sides. When Bush says it depends on the Palestinians he shows a lack of real understanding of the reasons why no settlemen...
January 9, 2008 by COL Gene
Here is a reality that can not be denied. The wealthy and the small business owners are the people that can avoid Federal Income Taxes either by using the legal loopholes that were placed in the law to help the FEW or by cheating on their taxes. A perfect example is Dick Cheney. He had an AGI last year of about $1.7 Million. With that level of income we would expect him to be paying about 33% of that income in Federal Taxes after his exemptions and deductions. Cheney paid only 23% i...
January 8, 2008 by COL Gene
The exit polls in NH of Republican Voters show that over 49% of GOP voters are not happy with the way Bush has run the country. Thus the desire for CHANGE is in all segments of the voting population - Republican, Democrat and Independent. Also the number of people voting clearly supports the desire for REAL CHANGE from the way Bush and the GOP have been running our country. The 2008 election may be a very different presidential election that will show just how unhappy Americans are wi...
January 7, 2008 by COL Gene
Some conservatives appear to be glad Obama appears to be setting the Sun on Hillary. They may find the old saying of; “Be careful what you wish for” will apply. They may find defeating Obama a bit more difficult then defeating Hillary.
December 26, 2007 by COL Gene
When I listened to Ron Paul being interviewed on Meet the Press and while watching the Republican debates, two of the most fundamental conservative axioms we hear from Republicans were shown to be fabrications. First is an individual make better spending choices then government. Second is that government spending is ineffective and wasteful. Spending Choices Does anyone believe that if all or most spending choices were made by individuals that they would say I need to spend ...
December 22, 2007 by COL Gene
I have placed my Blogs on JoeUser into a file and in that process looked at many of the comments and complaints about the increased spending, welfare, pork and taxes people posted in response to my Blogs. When I took a look at just what parts of the Federal Budget have increased since 2001, the word that is front and center about all the budget and tax complaints is HYPOCRISY! The largest increase in our spending since 2001 is not on pork or welfare. It is not on the administrative cos...
December 21, 2007 by COL Gene
The help President Bush signed into law this week will help some 200,000 people with mortgages that are in trouble. Some argue that Tax Payers should not bail out the bad choices of individual home owners or the mortgage industry. If the consequences of these failures only impacted those who made the bad choices that rational would make sense. The problem is that the magnitude of the mortgage failures could trigger a major recession and credit crises. That is why the fed and Bush have ...
December 20, 2007 by COL Gene
I guess the assessment of Professor Toshi Tsurumi, who was the economics teacher GWB had at Harvard, was correct when he said George Bush was one of his worst students. Professor Tsurumi said a teacher remembers the best and worst students over the years. George Bush was fortunate in that when he took office we had a balanced budget for the first time in over two decades. We had tax rates that produced just enough revenue to meet our spending levels. Bush and his GOP supporters in Cong...
December 16, 2007 by COL Gene
Today on Meet the Press Mitt Romney was on the griddle. Tim Russet did a great job of documenting the areas where Romney flip flopped. Romney responded “that a person can learn and then change” which is true for most people with the possible exception of President George W. Bush. The fact is that most of the changes in the positions of Mitt Romney about Abortion, Gun Control, Stem Cells, Taxes and Health Insurance correspond to when Romney was running for Governor of Liberal Massachusett...
December 14, 2007 by COL Gene
There was a day when the interests of Big Business were more in line with what was best for America. That day is over. Today the drive for higher and higher profits by large international companies is eliminating American jobs and this country is rapidly becoming indebted to the rest of the world. Our country is becoming dangerously dependent of foreign producers for our most basic needs. Trade agreements make it difficult for American made goods to be sold to other countries and we ar...
December 14, 2007 by COL Gene
For the second time Bush vetoed the bill that would provide millions of children health care. The compromise bill changed the two major objections Bush had to the first bill he vetoed. It lowered the income levels and eliminated illegals from coverage. For anyone to say Bush is a Compassionate Conservative is a LIE! Bush is an evil man who acts in a way that shows he is a hypocrite when he claims to be a Christian! What a disgrace to our great country to have a leader the likes of Ge...
December 13, 2007 by COL Gene
The Democratic debate was very different from the GOP debate yesterday. For one thing the Democrats provided far more responsive answers to the questions then the Republicans. Second the thrust of almost every issue for the Democrats was focused on average Americans rather then on Big Business and the wealthy. On the issue of education the thrust was to improve PUBLIC education and make the quality of that in the cities and rural areas equal to the affluent suburban areas. It was not...
December 13, 2007 by COL Gene
The GOP presidential debate yesterday contained a segment about the fiscal problems facing our country. The moderator sighted the Comptroller General warnings about the debt and continued budget imbalance as well as the coming problems with funding Medicare and Social Security. The GOP candidates agreed with the assessment of the Comptroller General that we have created a very serious problem. However when the questions of how to deal with this were pursued it became clear none of the ...