The news is full of the initial problems to implement the new Medicare Prescription drug plan. Some of the confusion is because of the large number of plans and some is because many of the participants are older and are having trouble understanding the details. In time these initial problems will be solved and 55 plus million seniors will be receiving this new benefit. Now lets ask the question, who is to pay for this new benefit that has an estimated initial cost of $60 Plus billi...
Today Knight Ridder carried a story about a study completed by two economists, one of which is a Nobel Prize-winner, which estimated the long tem cost of the Iraq War could reach $ 2 Trillion dollars. This study included the ongoing cost in Iraq over the next decade of $265 Billion, the cost of 35,000 injured and the replacement of much of the Army and Marine Corps equipment. That is enough money to SOLVE the baby boomer problems with Social Security, Rebuild ALL the ageing inf...
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq was a mistake that has made the world a more dangerous place, but a swift withdrawal would make matters worse, Pakistan's president said this weekend. "I think it's less safe," Gen. Pervez Musharraf said on CNN's "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer." Asked whether he considered the invasion a mistake, the Pakistani leader said: "With hindsight, yes. We have landed ourselves in more trouble, yes." The statement of Gen Musharraf that th...
We hear the argument that the Iraq War is a major effort in our war on terrorism. We are told better to fight in Iraq then New York. Supporters of this war say we have not been attacked since 9/11 as proof we are winning the war on terrorism. This argument is not only incorrect but dangerous. The very fact we are occupying a Moslem country has given our enemies a campaign to recruit more terrorists. Terrorist activities are at an all time high thought out the world. We have scene women...
The Secret Federal Court was NOT informed that Bush had authorized bypassing the court and allowing the NSA to wire tap Americans without abiding by the 1978 law. The court is also concerned about Warrants that they have granted and if some of them were tainted by the Bush plan. The link is below.
In the past few weeks Bush has been telling us that his Generals tell him more troops would just make the insurrection in Iraq worse. They may be correct and all that is the way Bush is trying to deflect criticism from the way he conducted the war. From the very first day after Saddam fell, we began loosing control in Iraq. We did not have the force levels we needed as most of the Generals now admit and as Sen. McCain told us. We did not prevent the old elements of Saddam's forces ...
The plea of Abramoff has caused a lot of GOP members to have changed their shorts today. The more Abramoff cooperates the less time he will spend in Jail. This one could be the 2006 election for the GOP.
Below are two articles from the Economic Policy Institute. This is a VERY different picture then Bush is painting. December 21, 2005 | EPI Policy Memorandum What's wrong with the economy? by EPI President Lawrence Mishel and Policy Director Ross Eisenbrey 1. Profits are up, but the wages and the incomes of average Americans are down. * Inflation-adjusted hourly and weekly wages are still below where they were at the start of the recovery ...
On Wednesday the UN said the preliminary Iraq Election results should stand. The preliminary vote has two very important elements. First, Ahmad Chalabi was NOT elected to the new Iraqi parliament which is good news for Bush. He was the source that Bush used to justify most of his claims that Saddam had WMD and Chalabi was shown to be a liar. The Bad news for Bush in that the Shiite religious bloc has a big lead which could result in an Iraq that will be governed by Moslem law and not...
Today the New York Times answered the question of WHY BUSH IGNORED THE 1978 F.I.S.A. law. What is taking place at NSA is eavesdropping on millions of calls and E-mails with sophisticated computers that harvest those calls and E-mails that meet the patterns that the NSA has established. The messages that are selected by the computer systems are then monitored by analysts to determine if they are harmless or contain information relating to our security. Thus, the statements by ...
The Christian conservatives did it again with the passage of the 2006 budget: Cut 255,000 low income families from food stamps. Cut basic aid for food to the poor by $700 million Made changes in Medicaid that will allow states to impose substantial co-pays and fees on the poorest people for their health care. Cut Billions from child support. Two weeks earlier this same group cut taxes $90 Billion for the wealthiest Americans. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good ni...
Today the news documents what may be signs that America is in trouble. Cheney tells us that we need to expand Executive Power and defends the Bush actions of failing to obtain court orders to spy on Americans. Bush claims that his authority as Commander in Chief of our military gives him the power to ignore the law. The AP learned that Tom DeLay received 48 visits to Golf Clubs, 100 flights in corporate jets, 200 stays in world-class hotels and 500 meals at restaurants where dinner ...
Bush has now admitted he authorized the NSA to spy on Americans without the required court orders. He justifies this action to protect the United States. The truth is that there is a LEGAL process in place that allows the very same Wire Taps. Bush authorizes a process that bypassed the legal option and violated the Constitution of the United States. Bush has set himself so that he is ABOVE the law of the United States. It is time that Mr. Bush be forced to obey the laws or removed fr...
Yesterday George W. Bush, out of his own mouth, documented that he is a Buffoon! For the very first time he admitted he took this country to war, the most important decision any president can make, based on faulty information. These are the Presidentâ own words, "It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong. As President I'm responsible for the decision to go into Iraq."BR> That would have been an important admission had Bush stopped there. However what followed i...
The terrorists that are associated with 9/11 began to operate in Iraq only AFTER Bush removed Saddam Hussein and disbanded the Iraqi military. That allowed internal and external forces to create the terrorism that rips the country daily and has resulted in 30,000 dead Iraqis and 2,150 American military deaths. There is NO assurance that the government that emerges in Iraq after we have departed will be one that will prevent terrorists groups from operating or that we will be able to...