President Bush has repeated his insistence that his tax cuts be made permanent. At the very same time OMB has estimated that the deficit in 2006 will top $425 Billion after subtracting $175 Billion in Social Security and Medicare surplus. That means Bush intends to BORROW the money to continue his tax cuts! There is no money in the budget from which these tax cuts are being paid. They are adding to the annual budget deficit by reducing the federal tax revenue. WHO in their right mind woul...
GAO tested the security at our major airports by trying to smuggle Bomb making materials on the planes. Of the 21 airports tested NOT ONE stopped the material! In addition the Bush Administration has approved foreign government affiliated companies to take over the operation of our Airports. Have Bush and the members of his administration taken leave of their senses? There is almost NOTHING that this President and the people he has appointed are doing to help our country. There has not been ...
The Democrats have AGAIN introduced a bill to fund the needed equipment to insure the containers are free from nuclear weapons. There have been several earlier attempts by the Democrats to provide this equipment and each time the GOP leadership in Congress have refused to include this funding in the Budget. In an earlier attempt the Democrats include $1.5 Billion for port security equipment and the GOP compromised at $50 Million. Given the public outcry over Port Security, Will Bus...
We hear how only the Republicans can protect America from terrorism. It is true there have not been any other attacks in America since 9/11. It is also true that the Bush administration has rallied cooperation among other countries as well as strengthened our own homeland security. However, when you look at the willingness to provide all that is needed, a very different picture emerges. Let's look as some of the security measures that Bush and the GOP has refused to fund: Provide Rad...
Here is some factual data comparing Dec 2000 with today: National Debt Dec. 2000 $5.7 Trillion; Feb. 2006 $8.3 Trillion – U.S Treasury dept Interest on Debt 2000 $230 Billion; 2006 $380 Billion - U.S Treasury Unemployment rate Dec 2000 3.9%; February 2006 4.7% U S dept of Labor Trade deficit $370 Billion 2000; $785 Billion 2005 U S Dept of Commerce Illegal Aliens 8 Million in 2000; 20 million in 2005 Census Dept and Border Patrol
Most powerful people at some time focus of the legacy their tenure will leave. The Bush legacy will be multifaceted and the shapes of many of those facets are still unclear. For example the War on Terrorism will be circumscribed by what finally happens in Iraq. The issue of Bush's response to Katrina will depend on how the rebuilding of the Gulf region progresses. One issue that is cast in stone is the impact his tax and spend policies will have on the federal budget in the years after...
As the polls show support for Bush and Cheney falling to about the same levels as for Nixon and Agnew, I wonder the reasons for the remaining support for Bush. I have been clear as to my rational for not supporting Bush and his policies. I would be VERY interested in learning specific reasons why those of you that support Bush continue to defend him and his policies. I will not use your answers to further attack Bush. I just want to understand why anyone continues to support him. ...
Members of Congress are conducting a three day tour of the Gulf area destroyed by Katrina. The press is following them around to document what our elected leaders are seeing. It is hard to believe the almost total lack of progress after six months. Entire communities stand as piles of rubble. It looks like pictures I remember of Europe after WWII. There are no jobs and local government can not even afford to pay essential municipal workers. State revenue has been so devastated that th...
The AP release of the teleconference held the day BEFORE Katrina documents that Bush and Chertoff lied and were fully aware of the potential impact of the storm. Two days AFTER the storm Bush said NO ONE COULD HAVE ANTICIPATED THE IMPACT OF Katrina. The tapes clearly show that was a LIE just like "I did not have sex with that women" In fact Bush repeated his lie two days ago that no one could have anticipated the impact of Katrina. The tape also shows the total incompetence of bot...
President Bush has said he will veto any attempt by Congress to stop the proposed sale of six American Ports to Dubai Ports. Mr. Bush has asked what is the difference between a British company who currently owns and operates the ports and a company from the United Arab Emirates? Let’s take a look Mr. Bush: The current operator is NOT owned and operated by the British Government. Dubai Ports is OWNED and OPERATED by the UAE. None of the 9/11 terrorists were English citizens.
It is time for the Congress to reel in George W. Bush and the Executive Branch of our government. The proposal that the Bush administration has approved to allow a country that supplied two of the 9/11 terrorists and where radical Islamists exist to run six ports in our country is outrageous. The country is the United Arab Emirates. What the Hell is our President doing? He refuses to stop 3 million illegals to come into our country from Mexico last year where any one of those people coul...
Every week President Bush goes before pre screened audiences to pitch one of his policies. It could be his immigration policy or his tax policy or his energy policy or his solution to the lack of health care or his rational for wire taps or the Iraq war or how to fix Social Security. The results are the same-The vast majority does not want what Bush is selling. He believes by telling us again with different words that people will say, YES Mr. President. He does not seem to grasp it is t...
Every time I receive some of the insulting and demeaning comments from bloggers on JoeUser it demonstrates the ignorance of the people posting those comments. This is especially true about the positions I have taken on spending, tax and economic policies being followed by Bush and his GOP supporters in Congress. The reason these bloggers show how stupid they are is because the positions I have taken are in total agreement with the advice Mr. Bush has received on these issues from Paul O...
Today there are several reports on the spread of Bird Flu in two areas of the world. The concern for a pandemic is growing and we have no significant amount of vaccine in the United States. Can anyone explain WHY Bush would be proposing to cut this funding given our lack of preparedness for a major epidemic in America?
What the former President needs to be upset about include the following results of his incompetent son’s presidency: The Iraq War The Federal deficit The Trade deficit Our unprotected borders Our Energy policy Lack of Health Care Failure of the No Child Left behind program The plight of the poor and middle income Americans His son has either failed to help solve all the above or has made them worse since he became President. His track record as President is the same as his ...