The undeniable truth about Iraq has been confirmed by the detailed information being provided by our most senior retired military leaders. Some try and deflect the real culprits by saying WHY did these Generals not come forward at the time? First, many of the facts now coming to light were classified and when The Army Chief of Staff did disagree with Bush he was removed so that any other similar minded officials would take note. The two issues that been confirmed beyond any doubt by th...
Today the Fourth General called for Rummy to be removed as SecDef. Gen Powell this weekend admitted we went into Iraq with too few Troops. The Former Army Chief of Staff and Ambassador Bremer also stated Bush did not send the troops needed to keep what is taking place EVERY day in Iraq from occurring. This country has not scene something like this in a very long time. The real problem is not Rummy but the man who appointed him and is the person responsible for both the Iraq War and the...
Today the buzz is the planning to take military action against Iran's nuclear facilities if the diplomatic effort fails. It is reported that this planning includes the use of tactical nuclear weapons. That story said that most senior military officers are so opposed to the nuclear OPTION BEING ON THE TABLE; they may resign if Bush does take that option OFF the table. Those same stories say, so far, Bush has refused to remove the nuclear option from the military planning. Although tacti...
Last week the testimony of Scoter Libby focused more light on the way Bush and Cheney lead our country into war in Iraq. The most important decision ANY president can make is to take our country into conflict with another nation. The Iraq War was a selective and preemptive conflict. It was not like WWII for example. The rational used by Bush and Cheney to justify invading Iraq was that our country was in danger from Iraq and Saddam Hussein. The arguments for our preemptive attach were ...
On Page 20 of the testimony given the court by Scooter Libby claims it was President Bush that authorized the release of classified information to the press. Thus, Mr. Libby is claiming he was only doing what the President had authorized. Mr. Libby further stated that these instructions were given to him by the Vice President. If these claims are validated, we have another Watergate- Both the President and Vice President would have violated the laws of the United States and put our sec...
Job growth since Jan 2001 is short by 1.7 Million jobs to be equal with Jan 2001 Source Bureau of Labor Statistics Median Household Income in 2004 $44,839 compared with $46, 058 in 2000. Source Bureau of Labor Statistics. Between 2000 and 2004, personal bankruptcies increases by 37.9%. Source American Bankruptcy Assoc. Between 1993 and 2004 NAFTA caused the loss of 1,015,000 jobs. Source Economic Policy Institute. 6 Million more Americans lost health insurance since 2000. Sour...
On Saturday Bush again started with making his tax cuts permanent. He ignores the fact that we are running an annual deficit of $600 Billion. What rational person that can not pay their bills takes a permanent cut in pay? We are borrowing money to cut taxes and than pay interest on that money we borrowed for the tax cuts. WHY? The Brookings Institute completed a study that showed, making the Bush Tax cuts permanent would add another $2.4 Trillion to the National Debt by 2014. Why would a...
There is talk as to why we need new immigration laws since the laws currently on the books are not being enforced. Laws that require employers to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes. Laws that require Federal withholding taxes. Laws regarding legal entry into the United States. Why do we have laws on the books that are not being enforced? What makes anyone believe any new laws passed by Congress to control illegal immigration will be enforced? Who is responsible to enforce our federa...
On Saturday our Ambassador, Mr. Khalilzad delivered a personal message from President Bush to the new Shiite leaders that attempted to dictate the next chief of state in Iraq. The message from Bush according to the Shiite officials and the NYT is as follows, Mr. Bush doesn't want, doesn't support, doesn't accept Mr. Jaafari to be the head of state in Iraq. This message inflamed the new Shiite members of the just elected leaders. They are furious that President Bush would be attemptin...
When I heard that statement today by Mr. Card I wondered what he or any other Bush supporters would list as GREAT things they believe George W. Bush has done for America since January 20, 2001 I would love to see such a list and then have the person(s) making the list show just how the items helped our country. ANY THOUGHTS?
The release of the formerly secret memo that documented a meeting between Bush and Blair six weeks before the Iraq War started now proves Bush intended to invade Iraq regardless of the findings of the U N weapons inspectors and regardless of the second UN resolution. He had chosen to invade Iraq and WMD had nothing to do with his decision.
There is a gross misunderstanding of a democracy. Some believe ANY form of government that is put into place by a popular vote is a democracy. To be a democracy, EVERYONE must be given certain BASIC rights under the government formed. The right of FREE SPEECH. THE RIGHT TO VOTE. THE RIGHT TO RELIGIOUS FREEDOM and THE RIGHT TO DUE PROCESS at a minimum. If in an election the majority selected a Dictatorship, a Communist form of government or a Monarchy, the resulting government is not a dem...
The Bush administration intends to approve a NO BID contract with a company controlled by China to screen shipping containers for nuclear materials coming into our ports from the Bahamas. This contract DOES NOT provide for ANY us customs or Homeland Security personnel to observe the screening on these containers for nuclear bombs. Has George W. Bush gone completely MAD! What in the Hell is wrong with our President?
The AP story of Abdul Rahman who converted from being Moslem to being a Christian must be put to death under Islamic Law. There are only two exceptions for ANY male that has done what he has done. Be declared insane or recant his conversion to Christianity. He was arrested for possessing a Bible. This story shows the utter folly of the U. S. trying to spread democracy in the Moslem World. We do not get it that for Moslems their religious beliefs are the MOST important part of their li...
Our Invasion of Iraq eliminated the force structure Saddam imposed to keep the diverse factions in Iraq from battling each other. That force structure, although brutal, kept the sectarian factions from doing what we see every day in Iraq. From the beginning, Iraq was an artificial country composed of factions that hated each other and were kept in line by FORCE. We have exchanged the force Saddam imposed for a vacuum that has allowed these factions to emerge and assert their individu...