The commanding General of the National Guard said yesterday the National Guard does not the equipment needed to perform its basic mission because of the Iraq War. The National Guard has only 34 % of the needed equipment and much of that equipment is in not in good condition. The vast majority of the National Guard Equipment was shipped to Iraq and even when it is returned will be unusable because of the war. What is even worse is that Bush has not taken steps to replace that equipmen...
There was no immediate danger from Iraq in early 2003. Even if Saddam had the WMD that Bush claimed, he had no way to use any WMD against the Unites States. If Saddam had the means to deliver WMD he would never have used it against the United States because of the consequences. Thus, no matter what the truth was about WMD, Saddam did not pose any danger to us and there was NO justification to invade Iraq. The U N had weapons Inspectors in Iraq in early 2003 and had we allowed them to...
Former 9/11 Committee Chairman and NJ Governor (R), Tom Kean and the Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton (D) have charged President Bush and Congress have failed to enact several strong security measures recommended by the 9/11 Commission. More then four years after 9/11 and we are not paying attention. Hamilton said, "we believe that another attack will occur. It's not a question of if." Why is President Bush and the leadership in Congress not acting to protect America? The only major eleme...
President Bush is patting himself on the back about job creation. Let’s take a look at the truth: Population growth required 125,000 new jobs EVERY month just to stay even. During the past three months we have NOT added the 375,000 new jobs. Since Jan 2001, we have had 1.5 Million MORE people looking for work then jobs created. Many of the new jobs do not pay a living wage and do not have benefits. Average weekly wage after inflation is DOWN. Consumers are increasing th...
President Bush has not addressed a audience of average Americans since the presidential debate in 2004. Every time Bush gives a speech it is before either a pre-screened group or the military. Why is the president afraid to address unscreened audiences?
There have been reports of hundreds of Sunni civilian killings largely by the new Shiite Iraqi security services over the last several weeks. Today the New York Times and has an article that confirms this is taking place by the security forces that we have trained and put into place. The very same types of killings and abductions are taking placed today as took place under Saddam Hussein. The only difference is that it is now the Shiite forces are killing the Sunni population. This...
Today Rush Limbaugh went on a diatribe about how humane treatment of prisoners and our actions in Iraq have no impact on the way the radical Muslims look at the United States. He is correct. It is not the radical Muslim terrorists but how our actions will impact the majority of Muslims. When stories of mistreatment of prisoners or the continued occupation of Iraq hit the news, radical Muslims use that to recruit more Muslims to join their cause. That is something that Rush Limbau...
The back and forth of Intelligence, the reasons for invading Iraq etc ignores one issue that I would like JouUsers to comment on . What is the significance of the fact that at Bush's very first cabinet meeting, the issue of invading Iraq was discussed? That was nine months before 9/11 and shows a pre disposition by Bush to remove Saddam even before the events took place that he used as justification for war?
Some more great news about the economy as it impacts American Workers. GM is in trouble and today said it will cut 30,000 jobs or about 9% of its total work force. They will close a number of plants. Last week the problems of the Pension Guarantee Corp was all over the paper. It is more then $22 Billion in the red because so many companies have gone bankrupt and are dumping their pension obligations. If the GOOD NEWS continues about this great economy we will all be in soup lines. We can s...
President Bush came away from his China talks with NOTHING. He met stiff resistance from his call for human rights and religious freedom. There was no movement in reducing the massive trade imbalance with China. There was no progress in overhalling the currency system that makes the products that China sells cheep and our products expensive which adds to the trade imbalance. Bush made no progress in getting China to respect property rights such as patents or copyrights. The Bush trip to ...
The Bush spin doctors have outdone themselves with their claim that seeking ALL the facts that lead to the Iraq War is an attempt to CHANGE HISTORY. Nothing could be further from the truth. Learning ALL the intelligence that was available before we went to war is to COMPLETE the history of how we got into this war not change history. There is no question George W. Bush intended to invade Iraq from the very beginning of his Administration. At his First cabinet meeting the invasion...
The National Guard service of George W. Bush is all over the TV news shows. Most of the coverage fails to address the service issues related to George Bush in the Texas Air National Guard. This story has as the following major elements: How did GWB get into the guard? Did GWB fail to attend drills in 1972? Did GWB fail to take a required flight physical which resulted in the loss of his flight status? How did Bush obtain an early Honorable discharge? How do the f...
The issue of whether or not intelligence was manipulated depends of what you mean by manipulate. Numerous intelligence agencies provided what we now know was faulty intelligence about WMD in Iraq. There were other intelligence agencies that cast doubt on Saddam Hussein having WMD. Colin Powell has now said that much of the intelligence that was given to him for his February 5, 2003 speech to the UN was inaccurate. Bush ignored ANY intelligence warnings that said Saddam Hussein did no...
What took place in Argentina on Friday should convince Congress to eliminate ALL spending for Bush to travel outside the United States. Every place the president has visited in the last several years has resulted in demonstrations. Every time he goes outside the United States he harms our country with the people of the world. Taxpayers spend millions of dollars to provide Bush with the transportation, security and luxuries as he travels abroad spreading unrest. Some will say A...
To be elected a person must obtain the support of some group of people. The problem with the office of President is that it and the VP are the ONLY national offices. What we have scene is an administration that has adopted policies that meet the wants of the base that elected him and ignored everyone else. That truth of that is reflected in all the polls about the Bush policies and the fact almost 75% of Americans believe we are, as a nation, moving in the wrong direction. Although t...