Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
COL Gene's Articles In Politics » Page 2
October 5, 2004 by COL Gene
Everyday more and more becomes public knowledge about Iraq . The CIA, in response to a request from VP Dick Cheney, undercuts the rational of Bush and Cheney that there was a conection between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida. This is a separate conclusion from the 9/11 Commission. Today reports were released that Former Ambassador L. Paul Bremer acknowledged that we did not have enough troops in Iraq and that he told President Bush we needed more troops. On Monday night Ambassador Br...
October 15, 2004 by COL Gene
Fahrenheit 9/11 is over the top in some areas however, much of the material is factual and Bush 41 or others storming that Michael Moore is "this or that" does not change these facts. Bush 41 did use his influence and his friends to get George W. into the National Guard and out of the Guard early with an Honorable Discharge that George W. did not earn! The Bush 41 connections got people to invest in the businesses of George W. that failed. It is also true that many of these investors are ...
October 13, 2004 by COL Gene
I will try and not disappoint some of those who disagree with me i.e. drmiler Spin is KING - Both sides use it and I will give a few used by Bush and allow drmiler et al to give you some from Kerry Bush tells us Kerry will increase your taxes (on the middle income Americans- he has stated he wants to increase the tax rates on the wealthiest 2 %) if he is elected. Since when does the president pass laws? Unless BOTH houses of Congress change the tax rates, they will not change but follo...
October 11, 2004 by COL Gene
I wonder if there could have been a mix up at the hospitol when George W. was born. If someone looks at a comparisson of George H. W. and George W. they would find almost no similarity between the two, except for the name. Bush 41 was a real American patriot during World War II and Bush 43 got out of defending his country by using his father's help to get in the Texas Air National Guard. Bush 41 risked his life and did his duty to help defend his country and Bush 43 shirked his duty while i...
October 8, 2004 by COL Gene
As we move closer to Novemner 2, the polls continue to show a 50/50 split in America. If one were able to step back and look at the facts without the spin both sides use, it would seem to me Kerry should be far ahead. Polls show that 60% want major changes in our policies and 89 % want some changes. Part of the 50% that are supporting Bush must be part of the 60% and 89% that want change. These Bush supporters must know he will not change in a second term and by voting for him they will ge...
October 7, 2004 by COL Gene
This week has produced three revelations about the Iraq War. The first strike came from Amb. L. Paul Bremer who admitted we did not have enough troops in Iraq. He also told the American People that he pleaded with George W. Bush for more troops to prevent the carnage that is taking place every day in Iraq. Bush turned a deaf ear to his chief official in Iraq and now claims that the "Generals on the ground" did not ask for more troops. The truth is that during the planning phase the Army CoS ...
October 3, 2004 by COL Gene
The President ignored the advice of the Army CoS as to the number of troops required in Iraq. The CoS was correct and Bush was wrong! The Secretary of the Treasury, Paul O'Neill stated that Bush did not even read the memo's sent to him by his most senior staff. Secretary of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Chairman told Bush his tax cuts should be tied to an available surplus to pay for them. They told Bush he should NOT RETURN TO ANNUAL DEFICITS and increase the National Debt. ...
October 2, 2004 by COL Gene
"Starving the Beast" is a theory that says, the conservatives are creating a financial crisis by drastic cuts in taxes with sizeable increases in spending. Professor Paul Krugman of Princeton is one who talks about this idea. This theory says,the purpose of creating this fiscal crisis is to attack Social Security and Medicare which many conservatives hate. It is doubtful President Bush is the author of this idea but may be the means for conservatives to make it happen. Wether the fisc...
September 29, 2004 by COL Gene
President Bush tells us the economy has created almost 1.5 million jobs since August 2003. That means we are only about 1 million below the number when he took office. What the president does not tell the American people is that over the past 3 3/4 years since he took office, about 5 million new workers have tried to enter the job market. For us to remain just even, the economy must create about 120,000 new jobs each month to keep up with our population growth. The economic policies of Georg...
February 6, 2005 by COL Gene
We must STOP the CHARGE and SPEND policies in Washington NOW! Here is how to do it. Establish the objective to bring our general fund expenses and revenues into balance by 2008. Begin generating a budget surplus of $200 billion annually starting with fiscal year 2009. This annual surplus would be directly applied each year to reduce the overall federal deficit. Below is a process that should be considered to achieve the fiscal discipline outlined above namely to balance revenues...
February 5, 2005 by COL Gene
Restore the Café standards and make them apply to all cars, trucks and SUVs. Establish new targets for increased miles per gallon for each type of vehicle over the next 10 years. Establish tax credits for car manufacturers who achieve the established standards. Establish tax surcharges to car manufacturers who fail to meet the new mileage standards. Utilize the additional tax revenue from surcharges to help fun...
February 5, 2005 by COL Gene
This week the Bureau of Labor Statistics has released the net bottom line on job creation during the first Bush term in office. According to the Bureau, 119,000 net new jobs were created during the four years of the Bush first term. During that same four year period, over 5 million Americans entered the work force seeking jobs. The retort is that the president doesn't create jobs. The truth is the economic policy of the federal government has a great deal to do with economic growth and...
January 10, 2005 by COL Gene
President Bush is placing a great deal of emphasis on the Iraqi elections on the 30th of January. Even if these elections are held, there is no guarantee it will help to create a more peaceful Iraq or enable the withdrawal of American forces. The possibilities that will follow the election are many. It is possible that a government may be selected around which the majority of Iraq people will rally and move toward a more stable environment. On the other hand the government that is selec...
January 6, 2005 by COL Gene
Another major priority of the Bush administration appears to be Social Security. President Bush and his staff have been closed mouth as to the exact proposals they plan to recommend. Now the camel's nose is beginning to appear under the tent. First we heard that the 2% diversion of worker Social Security taxes to private accounts might be recommended. That was immediately followed by where is the money to come from to allow Social Security taxes to be diverted into private accounts? A...
January 5, 2005 by COL Gene
One of the Bush objectives for the second term is to reduce the annual deficit by 50%. That would mean by 2008, the United States would still be running an annual budget deficit of over $200 billion every year. There are many who believe other objectives set out by President Bush such as making the tax cuts permanent, changing Social Security with even more debt and paying for his prescription drug plan will make even cutting the deficit in half impossible. Even if he somehow can manage...