Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
COL Gene's Articles » Page 15
January 16, 2007 by COL Gene
The U.S. Commander reported today a 300 % increase in attacks on U.S. Forces during the past three months. Al-Qaeda is operating and the situation is becoming so serious that the Commanding general in Afghanistan says he needs MORE TROOPS. It is time to turn the sectarian fighting over to the Iraqi Military and transfer our troops to clean out Afghanistan where 9/11 was planned. Great work George—you have screwed up everything you have touched.
January 14, 2007 by COL Gene
Below is my advice of what we should do in Iraq: 1. Shift 50,000 troops to Afghanistan and keep the balance in Iraq. 2. Reassign remaining U.S. military in Iraq to perform the following missions: A.Secure the border of Iraq and help protect the infrastructure. B.Destroy all foreign terrorist forces in western Iraq and prevent their operation in the future. C.Provide logistical and air support for Iraqi military forces. 3.Turn over ALL combat operatio...
January 13, 2007 by COL Gene
Democrats want to allow lower drug prices The Medicare prescription drug bill that Bush and the GOP controlled Congress passed prohibits Medicare from negotiating lower drug prices for the American taxpayers. Think of that—a law that prevents the free market from operating and it was passed by the GOP controlled Congress and signed by a Republican President. At the same time the Veterans Administration does use their buying power to negotiate LOWER drug prices then Medicare even though ...
January 11, 2007 by COL Gene
Last night when Bush admitted that a lack of troops was the major reason for the violence and failure in Iraq I thought Bush had finally turned a corner. Then Bush proved he is still in Total Denial by saying that the lack of troops that he admitted was his error were in 2006! The issue is NOT the troop levels in 2006 and is NOT the lack of 20-30,000 more troops. The reason for the sectarian violence and the foreign terrorists are able to operate in Iraq is because we were unable to pr...
January 10, 2007 by COL Gene
It is one thing to make a few errors or misstatements about how a war will unfold. However to be totally wrong about every aspect and outcome is another matter. Here are the statements that Bush and Cheney made about Iraq and what time have shown to be the truth: Estimated Cost - $40-60 Billion. $500 Billion so far with more to come. We would be welcomed as Liberators – The Iraqi people consider us as Occupiers and the greater Moslem World as the Great Satan. We have created milli...
January 10, 2007 by COL Gene
The GAO released a 114 page report that has studied the impact of Iraq and Afghanistan on the U.S. Military. Their conclusions are alarming and include the following: Training is being shorted Readiness had been adversely impacted. Equipment is in disrepair Unready to fight else ware This report was released the day before President Bush seems ready to increase the strain on the military by sending even more of the over stretched military to Iraq. Where are the over 300,000 plus ...
January 8, 2007 by COL Gene
There is this FICTION that says government spending is evil and we are better to allow individuals rather then the government from deciding how to spend their money. The truth is that many of the essential services that make our country free and provide the opportunities would not exist without that government spending. Roads, intestate commerce, national security, banking, health care and retirement for seniors, disaster assistance to list just a few. Individuals would not provide those...
January 6, 2007 by COL Gene
The irony of the new Pay As You Go Budget policy the Democrats imposed may end up helping Bush keep his commitment to cut the Annual Budget Deficit in half by the end of his term. Bush has been running an Annual Budget Deficit of between $500-600 Billion per YEAR. That has resulted in the total National Debt going from $5.7 Trillion when Bush took office to just under $9 Trillion today. If Bush was able to cut the Annual Budget Deficit to between $250-300 Billion per year, it would SLO...
January 5, 2007 by COL Gene
Changes Democrats have made: Congress will switch from a 3 day operation to a 5 day operation. They have tightened the rules for lobbyists. They have revised the Budget Process to: Disclose who supports pet projects- GOP members are objecting Set a Pay As You Go requirement that any New Spending or Tax Cuts require either offsetting spending cuts or added tax revenue. We will see if they abide by these new rules. However these badly needed changes took ...
January 1, 2007 by COL Gene
The most ridiculous argument is the objection of Bush and the Conservatives to federally supported research using stem cells. The sanctity of life is the chant. The truth is that there are over 400,000 frozen stem cells that are the result of In Vitro Fertilization. The vast majority of these stem cells will be destroyed as medical waste. The issue is WHY not allow Federally Funded research using these Stem cells that will be destroyed eventually. Congress needs to pass such a law th...
January 1, 2007 by COL Gene
The latest poll of American Military shows that only 35% support Bush and the Iraq war. What is even more disturbing is that 61% believe the war is lost! As 2006 ends, America lost the 3,000th death in Iraq with over 22,000 injuries. There is no end in sight and the vast majority does not support sending more troops to Iraq because they see no real chance that a small surge of 20-35,000 troops will make any difference in the final outcome. The latest polls shows only 17% favor sending ...
December 26, 2006 by COL Gene
The Popular host Norman Mark will interview me about my book, George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich at 1:00 PM PST December 27, 2006 . The Norman Mark show has been running for five years from the Palm Springs, CA area and has just gone into syndication. The show is on KNWZ-AM (970 & 1140)
December 23, 2006 by COL Gene
One of the most important issues is to reduce our dependence on foreign energy. I believe the most encouraging acknowledgement President Bush has made was about our dependence on foreign oil. This issue is complex and impacts not only every American but permeates both our trade and foreign policies. To move our country toward a REAL solution will require a massive program that must be spear headed by the Federal Government. Past inaction has shown that the “Market Place" alone will not p...
December 22, 2006 by COL Gene
What to do in Iraq is the lump of coal in George’s Christmas stocking. To "Stay the Course" is politically unacceptable. To withdraw says Bush was wrong. To temporarily add more troops may do nothing but create more casualties and spend more money. The generals have a very good point-They want to understand just what adding more troops will produce other then increasing the strain on the military. The truth is that Bush has NO GOOD options in Iraq. Six months from now we will most l...
December 21, 2006 by COL Gene
I have been looking at President Bush’s 2007 Budget request to Congress. This document is a masterpiece of deception. Bush shows a projected deficit of $224 Billion which his supporters will point to as him keeping his promise to cut the budget deficit. NOT SO! First let’s look at the Dept. of Defense. Bush is asking for $466 Billion. That amount DOES NOT include any money to fund operations in Iraq and Afghanistan for FY 2007. The estimate for that is $100 Billion. The CoS of the Arm...