Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
COL Gene's Articles In Politics » Page 21
August 24, 2007 by COL Gene
The NIE clearly depicts a paralyzed Iraqi Government unable to take advantage of the American sacrifice the Surge has provided. Although there have been some security gains from our increased military in Iraq, the overall violence has not materially reduced the numbers of dead and injured. In addition after over 4 years of training the Iraqi Military and Police, still can not operate without our help. The Report also said that the outlook for the Iraqi Government to be able to deal w...
August 24, 2007 by COL Gene
Between March 2001 and 9/10/2001 George Tenet brought warnings to the White House, Rice and the Security Council that al-Qaeda was planning an attack on the United States. He documents those warnings in his book, At the CENTER of the STORM. Many of these warnings were given a 100% confidence rating by the CIA. In every warning, the CIA said these attacks were being planned by bin Laden and al-Qaeda. There was NO involvement of Saddam or Iraq. The CIA also documented that it was bin Laden ...
August 24, 2007 by COL Gene
When I suggested we should peruse al-Qaeda into the border regions of Pakistan, some on Joe User were critical of my suggestion. When Sen. Barack Obama suggested the same thing Republicans were critical of his suggestion. Guess what—that has been the written policy of the Bush Administration since 2004. That policy came to light as part of the over 1,100 pages of documents that were part of the Tillman investigation. Our policy since 2004 says that certain elite units can enter Pakistan ...
August 23, 2007 by COL Gene
The speech Bush gave to the Veterans of Foreign Wars yesterday shows our President is totally out of touch with events of today as well as events from the past. His analogy of not learning the lesson from Vietnam when we withdrew is totally the wrong lesson. What we learned from Vietnam is that we should not have become involved in that war and we sent our military into what became a quagmire with no way to win. The issue was not how we got out as Bush suggested, but the mistake of our g...
August 22, 2007 by COL Gene
The total lack of political progress and the attitude of the Iraqi Government has ended the argument to continue our failed Iraq Policy. The time that the Bush Surge was to provide for the Maliki Government to resolve the political issues was squandered and now al-Maliki is lashing out at the U.S. timetables for securing political progress in Iraq. The fact is that there has been NO progress and ALL the dead and injured Americans during this last surge were a total waste of the lives a...
August 20, 2007 by COL Gene
The Pentagon has admitted it CAN NOT replace the 5 brigades that Bush sent to man the Surge in Iraq. The number of U.S. Army combat units needed to sustain the current troop levels in Iraq do not exist today in the Army. The only options to come up with the 5 brigades to continue the Bush Surge beyond the spring on 2008 are as follows: Use the National Guard Extend tours in Iraq for Army units beyond the current 15 month tours. Reduce the time out of Iraq below the current 1...
August 19, 2007 by COL Gene
This week Secretary Paulson said the U.S. Economy was just fine. NOTHING could be further from the truth and we again see the White House SPIN DOCTORS at work. Paulson points to the continued creation of jobs but he does not acknowledge that those newly created jobs are paying substantially less then the jobs that were lost. He does not acknowledge that almost 14 Million Home mortgages are in danger or that mortgages companies are in danger of failing including the nations largest which h...
August 17, 2007 by COL Gene
On 14 April 1994 Dick Cheney was asked if would have been a good idea to invade Iraq and depose Saddam. His answer was NO! Here are the reasons Cheney gave in 1994 to not invade Iraq: The U. S would be all alone and none of the Moslem countries would support such action. It would be looked upon as a U.S. Occupation. What do you put in place after you take down the Saddam Government? Pieces of Iraq would fly off and the country would become unstable. It would become a Quagm...
August 16, 2007 by COL Gene
Voodoo Economics by George W. Bush To all that still claim the economy is good better take another look. The Real Estate market is in turmoil. Mortgage companies are teetering on collapse. Consumer purchasing is dropping even at low end retailers like Wal-Mart. The stock market has dropped 10% in a month. Personnel debt is at an all time high and GDP growth is way down with the prospect of showing little or no growth in the months ahead. All this and a continuing annual budget deficit in t...
August 15, 2007 by COL Gene
To all those that want to defend Bush and his Iraq surge lets look at the facts: The so Called Unity Government has only one of the three factions participating in the government. The Maliki Government has agreed on none of the issues that are essential to ending the fighting among the factions in Iraq. A major Bridge north of Baghdad was destroyed. One of the governors was killed. A key Oil official was captured. Nine more Americans were killed and we lost another heli...
August 14, 2007 by COL Gene
Year after year the Bush administration ignores the way China is harming our country. They ignore property rights and under value their currency to gain unfair advantage in selling their products which makes it harder for U.S. products to be sold in China. These practices add to the trade imbalance which is over $200 Billion dollars per year. If all that were not bad enough we continue to see products from China as HEALTH Hazards like tainted Chicken and Fish. Now millions of toys ma...
August 13, 2007 by COL Gene
Here is a real life example of how the Conservatives waste your tax dollars. In 2000 the Sanibel Bridge was inspected and its condition showed it needed to be replaced. That meant a tax increase to fund the project. At that time we had Jeb Bush busily cutting the 1/10 of 1% tax on investments over $500,000 and the GOP controlled Lee County had no stomach for increasing local taxes. The bridge replacement was put off and a little over 2 years ago chunks on concrete began falling into th...
August 12, 2007 by COL Gene
The pictures this week of the leaders of Iraq and Iran walking hand in Hand shows just how big a mistake Bush has made in Iraq. In Iraq entire neighborhoods are being cleansed of all Sunnis. The Sunni members of the Maliki cabinet have resigned and we see the Iraqi PM moving closer to the leader of Iran. This is what our invasion of Iraq has created which is a government in Iraq that is doing just what Saddam did –eliminate any opposition and we have expanded the influence of the Shiites...
August 10, 2007 by COL Gene
President Bush expressed his opposition to an increase in the Federal Gasoline tax to provide the needed funding to deal with the 70,000 bridges that are in need of repair. The Chairman of the House Transportation Committee has proposed a 5 Cent increase in the 18.4 cent Federal gasoline tax to help provide the federal contribution to the Bridge Repairs. Bush only wants to look at reallocating the $24 Billion in Highway funds that are allocated by Earmarks. The vast majority of the $286 B...
August 9, 2007 by COL Gene
The increase in the National Debt and the impact on the interest we must pay each year on that debt is a major and growing problem for the country. Many on this Blog site either ignore this issue or attempt to marginalize the issue because they do not want to have to admit first the cause and second the solution. Mr. Walker has been trying to explain the real danger that faces our country as never before. The reason is because of the size of the issues as well as the number of major is...