The latest poll about what Americans think of the way Bush is handling the economy continue to show 60% do not approve of the way Bush is handling the economy. This morning on MSNBC was a discussion of why the record high stock market, higher corporate profits, higher tax collections and lower gas has prices have not been reflected in the way Americans think Bush is handling the economy. Here is WHY. As to the stock market, 80% of the stocks are owned by 10% of Americans. Even t...
Record Attacks. Record American deaths. 1000 Iraqi Police removed. 3,000 per week dead in Iraq. How long will it take for George W. Bush to understand his Iraq War is a FAILURE!!! How many more dead will it take to convince the President that Iraq can not be controlled by our military. Only the people of Iraq can settle who will run Iraq not George W. Bush! He is NOT the DECIDER!
Republican members of Congress are supporting Speaker of the House in the way he handled the Floey matter. They claim he should not be replaced, as some conservatives are demanding, because he was a “Good Foot Soldier for President Bush”. Since when is the Congress the Foot Soldier of the Execuative Branch? It is time for EVERY member of Congress to read the U.S. Constitution. Congress is NOT the Foot Soldier of the President. It is a Co-equal branch of government and an ESSENTIAL pa...
Two polls have been completed in Iraq that show about 70% want our troops to leave Iraq NOW. In a second poll about the same percent support ATTACKS on our troops. The Program on International Policy Attitudes released a new poll on Iraqi public opinion today which finds that seven in ten Iraqis want US-led forces to commit to withdraw within a year. Moreover, an overwhelming majority believes that the US military presence in Iraq is provoking more conflict than it is preventing. The...
Within the past several weeks we have had two prime examples of how our democracy is being protected by the press. We hear the Conservatives and Bush/Cheney complain about leaks and how they are harming our country. There are some properly classified stories that have been leaked by the press that have harmed our security such as the way we have monitored Ben Laden from him using his Cell Phone. The two instances recently are the NYT/AP story about the NIE report saying the Iraq war...
The Chief auditor for the Iraq Reconstruction revealed this week that $ 8 of the $21 Billion that Congress appropriated to help rebuild the infrastructure in Iraq can not be located or accounted for by the Bush Administration. At the same time a police academy that was built in Baghdad for $78 Million is so defective much of the building can not be used and must be torn down. Halliburton was awarded NO BID contracts at a time when they were being investigated for gross overcharging the g...
During the early years of the war in Afghanistan, the Bush administration was frustrated that the Arab World would not carry many of the stories about our efforts to deal with those that attacked us on 9/11. According to Mr. Rich, the Arab countries were unhappy with Bush because of our policies in the Middle-east and reacted by ignoring stories about our efforts to fight al Qaeda. The solution was to create an agency within the Pentagon called the Office of Strategic Influence (OSI) ...
All three presidents have some responsibility for 9/11. The most important issue now is HOW are we dealing with this danger we all know exists? Soon after 9/11 we attacked and started to deal with the elements in Afghanistan that planned and supported 9/11 but never committed the resources needed to complete the job. Now the very same elements that conducted 9/11 are reestablishing their power base in that country! We attacked Iraq which had NOTHING to do with 9/11 and posed no rea...
President Bush released a three page unclassified version of the NIE that the NYT and AP released over the weekend. The unclassified version of the report does say that the Iraq War is the “cause celebre” for Islamic Extremists, breeding deep resentment of the United States in the Muslim world. This is also in line with the report by the CIA that the number of al Quaeda has increase world wide from 20,000 before 9/11 to 50,000 today. In addition, the President of Pakistan was intervie...
The National Security Estimate which is the result of our 16 intelligence agencies has concluded that the Iraq War has helped create a new generation of Islamic radicalism. This report documents that the Bush/Cheney argument that the Iraq War has made us safer is not correct. Americans must now watch what Bush does with this information. For the President to continue to assert that the invasion of Iraq has made us safer would be a LIE. For Bush to continue our involvement in Iraq ...
One of the most ironic consequences of the U.S. Invasion of Iraq is that the new government elected by the people of Iraq is now dominated by the Shiite faction which is the same group that controls Iran. Under Saddam, who is a Sunni, there was continual fighting between Iraq and Iran. In fact the number of dead in Iraq was far greater from the fighting between Sunni Iraq under Saddam and Shiite Iran then from anything else. Millions have died on both sides. What Bush has managed ...
The number of senior military officers that are coming out to oppose President Bush and his policies is unprecedented in my recollection. Not less then 3 former CENCOM Commanders and 3 former Chairman of the joint Chiefs oppose the changes Bush wants to make to the Geneva Convention. I n addition the chief legal officers of the uniformed services oppose the Bush proposals. More and more of our most senior generals now say the way Bush fought the war in Iraq was wrong and the number of ...
George Bush needs to go Events during the past few weeks clarify one fact – The President and Vice-President are on a very different agenda then the VAST majority of Americans. More and More Republicans are bolting from GWB and his agenda. The events in Iraq and the continued insistence that that war is mainly part of the struggle that brought 9/11 to us is just not true. That violence that increases every week is because of the sectarian violence between the factions in Iraq NOT Al Qae...
The Economic Policy Institute released its annual data on the economy of the United States on Saturday. An affiliated group the Keystone Research Center released data on Pennsylvania yesterday. The conclusions of both studies—The Rich are getting Richer and the Poor are getting Poorer. Nationwide only the top 10% of wage earners had an after inflation and tax increase in their wages and in Pennsylvania only the top 5% had an increase. The normal outcome of increased productivity is an...
Now Bush is spending our tax dollars giving speeches that are FLAT LIES about how Iraq is the center of the War on Terrorism. What is taking place in Iraq is a conflict between the three major factions that have NEVER been able to live in peace. The ONLY reason the sectarian violence was not like this prior to our invasion is because Saddam did not allow it to get out of hand. The violence we see every day is not foreign terrorists but the hate among the factions that make up Iraq. We...