Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
COL Gene's Articles In Politics » Page 14
November 5, 2007 by COL Gene
In the past I have concentrated the major policies on the Bush Administration. This Blog will document some lesser choices made by Bush and enacted into law by the GOP controlled Congress from 2001-2007. Bush cut funding for the IRS which has REDUCED the number of agents at a time when we need to insure we collect all the taxes due under existing law to reduce the budget deficit. Bush cut funding for Social Security staffing and the number of the staff has fallen at a time when the ...
November 3, 2007 by COL Gene
Some timer ago I wrote a Blog that warned of the danger in Pakistan. Today General Musharraf declared an emergency ahead of their Supreme Court decision as to weather the recent victory of Musharraf is constitutional since he refused to give up his position as head of the Military. Communications were cut by the Musharraf government and now all 8 members of the Supreme Court of Pakistan have declared the emergency declaration set aside and invalid. Bush tells us that we must have democ...
October 30, 2007 by COL Gene
This is the cry of most Republicans and some Democrats. It is time to stop making this generalized statement and take an HONEST look at the Federal Budget. To help with that please take a look at the following Web Site: www.thebudgetgraph.com . It will give you a very clear picture of just where the Federal Government is spending YOUR tax dollars. I have looked at this issue as well at the major issues that face our country and will impact spending for the foreseeable future. The obj...
October 29, 2007 by COL Gene
The use of U.S. Air power in Afghanistan is creating tension between the people and government of Afghanistan and the U.S. American military commanders claim they need to use the air assets because of the lack of ground forces in Afghanistan. The collateral damage, as it is called, from air strikes is turning many Afghanis’ against the U.S. effort to destroy the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in that country. It is another result of Bush sending the bulk of our ground forces into Iraq and no...
October 26, 2007 by COL Gene
All you FAT CAT supporters better get ready. The Democrats will control in January 2009 and the worm will turn. The new tax proposal is a good example. The new plan will LOWER the taxes for 91 Million Americans , Lower tax rates on corporations and increase the rates less then 5% for the very wealthy who number about 1.5 Million. GREAT NEWS. Help for the masses and offset the lost revenue by taxing those that can afford to pay just a little more. NO ONE can claim with a straight ...
October 26, 2007 by COL Gene
The House passed a revised S-CHIP bill by a vote of 265-142 yesterday. The two major objections of the GOP to the first bill was that children of illegal immigrants would receive coverage and that the benefits were available to families making 4 times the poverty level which was just over $80,000 per year. The new bill deals with both these issues. It prevents benefits from being paid for children of illegals. It also reduced the maximum income levels to about $62,000 per year. The new...
October 25, 2007 by COL Gene
That is an amount that very few people can understand. The CBO provided a number that most of us can relate to when they said the Iraq war cost will be $8,000 for every Man, Women and Child in the U.S. If you have a family of four, the Bush war in Iraq will cost your family $32,000 per the CBO report. Another example is the cost of the damage so far in the California fires. That has been estimated at ONE Billion Dollars. That means the cost of the Iraq war is like the cost of 2,40...
October 24, 2007 by COL Gene
The comments made by Rep. Pete Stark that U.S. Troops were being killed in Iraq, “for the President’s amusement” was totally out of line and offended families of our fallen troops. As much as I condemn Bush and his Iraq War policies, I know he did not send our military into Iraq for his or anyone’s amusement. That was an outrageous statement that Congressmen Stark should NEVER have made. I was glad to see the congressman admitted his mistake and apologized for his statement. That do...
October 22, 2007 by COL Gene
Last night I taped the latest GOP presidential debate so I could listen to it today. More and more I have come to the conclusion that both political parties have no clue how to govern America. One of the common themes last night is to cut Federal Spending. At the same time the candidates were blasting spending they want to significantly increase military spending. They support tax credits to enable people without health coverage to obtain heath insurance. At the same time they say w...
October 21, 2007 by COL Gene
I do not think anyone on JoeUser has had more criticism then me. I believe most of these comments were a way of trying to deny the truth of what I have been saying. Below are a series of statements that accurately describes how the major issues facing America have changed since January 2001. Every one on these issues has been a MAJOR thrust of GWB and the factual summary I have included below can be easily verified from various official government agencies. Budget - We went from a ...
October 20, 2007 by COL Gene
That is the title of the editorial in my local paper today. The issue is the refusal of the GOP controlled Florida House, Senate and Governor to deal with exploding Real Estate taxes and insurance rates. As much as 80% of Floridians are is real trouble because of local property taxes and skyrocketing insurance rates. This is not a small problem that impacts the ability of Florida residents to buy a new car or move into a bigger home. These are problems that impact their ability to live...
October 18, 2007 by COL Gene
I hope the Democrats publish a list of every GOP member of Congress that voted against helping our children. They need to be removed from office in November 2008. I informed my congress members I would work against them if the voted to uphold this Bush Veto.
October 18, 2007 by COL Gene
Yesterday President Bush began banging the war drums again about Iran acquiring nuclear weapons and invoking WWIII. That is the last thing we or the world needs. The key to preventing Iran from developing their own nuclear weapons is to provide for monitoring their uranium enrichment activities. A concentration of 5% uranium is needed for use as fuel in a nuclear reactor like the one the Russians are helping the Iranians build. The concentration needed for a nuclear weapon is 96%. ...
October 15, 2007 by COL Gene
We have never had a Commander- in- Chief that has been worse for our military. I am so glad that I was not asked to serve any of my 30 years while GWB was President. Below is what Bush has done to our military: He avoided service in Vietnam by getting Daddy to get him a commission in the National Guard he did not earn and did not deserve. He disobeyed orders and regulations while an officer in the Air National Guard by failing to take a required physical which resulted in him ...
October 13, 2007 by COL Gene
This is a stinging rebuke of George W. Bush and the entire Iraq War policy. The White House was stunned and the only comment from the Bush Spin Machine was to thank General Sanchez for his service. General Sanchez not only blasted the way the war was handled but said, the current surge strategy is a desperate move that will not achieve long-term stability. General Sanchez also said the Bush Administration handling of the Iraq war was incompetent with no end in sight. As our most sen...