Tens of thousands in Baghdad and Ramadi chant "NO, NO to Satan" , burned American Flags along with cutouts of Bush, Saddam and Blair as American soldiers watch from behind concrete and barbed wire barriers. What a sad demonstration after the death of over 1,500 Americans, 35,000 injuries and $300 Billon dollars. Bush should be proud of the feeling shown by the Iraq people to the war he brought to their country. Where is the reception of thanks we were told would take place after we rem...
For some time, I have been documenting the fact that the results of our economic policies has been that the wealthy are the BIG winners. The poor have gotten nothing to speak of from the current policies and the middle income American received some help but it is mixed and very moderate. The last data I saw showed median tax cut was $427 per year or about $1.25 per day. Recent increases in gasoline prices alone have used up that amount! This week most of the retail sales giants repor...
Yesterday, the Washington Post and the New York Times broke two more stories about Tom DeLay’s indiscretions. The stories reviled that DeLay paid his wife and daughter $500,000 from political contributions and his trip to the Bahamas was tied to Russian business interests. This should have been the last nail in the DeLay coffin and he should have been removed from his position of leadership in Congress. Today the Republican leadership disgraced itself by calling these actions, “...
President Bush will be the first president to attend the funeral of a pope. How ironic that our president should choose to honor Pope John Paul II since the pope so fundamentally disagreed with the Bush policies. With the exceptions of gay marriage and abortion, President Bush and the pope had very little in common. They disagreed on the death the death penalty, the Iraq war and the social programs embraced by Bush and his conservative supporters. Politics does in fact make st...
Tomorrow the Minutemen begin doing the job of George W. Bush along the Arizona border with Mexico. President Bush recently sided with Vicente Fox, President of Mexico in calling these brave Americans vigilantes. What a sad comment from the President of the United States who fails to meet his most basic responsibility to defend his country. Year after year millions of illegal aliens come to this country draining our resources, taking our jobs and allowing terrorists to enter our country...
Americans should learn from the tragic death of this woman so that her pain and the pain her family suffered was not in vain. First, every person should be encouraged to have a clear written directive as to what they would like done should they become incapacitated like Terri Schiavo. Second, we should consider changing our laws to maintain the life of a person in the event there is no clear written directive. This would mean removing this decision from the next of kin and choosin...
Today the presidential commission studying the WMD and our intelligence operation issued a scathing report. The report concludes that the intelligence agencies were "dead wrong" in almost all of their judgments. They overstated the case that Iraq was rebuilding their WMD programs. It is therefore clear that we went to war predicated on totally erroneous information. It is time for President Bush to admit that the United States made an error when it preemptively attacking Iraq when it di...
The action of Congress and President Bush to enact the Terri Schiavo legislation over Palm Sunday provides proof that Congress and the president can act quickly if they choose. Is now time for the American people to insist that our Congress and our president apply this lesson learned over Palm Sunday to resolve some very urgent matters that affect tens of millions of Americans First Congress need to change a simple number in the Internal Revenue Code to increase the amount that trigge...
A Gallup poll shows only 45% support of Bush. A second poll by CBS News found support for Bush dropped to 43%. These two polls confirm many other polls on specific subjects which clearly indicate that many of the president's policies are not what the American people want. When is Bush going to change his policies to more closely meet the wishes of the people in this country? Where is the democracy Mr. Bush says is so important?
Yesterday the trustees for Social Security and Medicare issued an update as to the health of these two programs. The report clearly shows that the American public have been given a "snow job" by both John Snow, Secretary of Treasury and George W. Bush. The report shows that the real crisis is not Social Security but Medicare. According to the report, by 2020 the Medicare Trust Fund will be depleted and Medicare will be able to pay only 79% of claims. The Social Security Trust Fund ...
President Bush continues his romp across the country telling seniors not to worry about their benefits under Social Security. What he doesn’t understand is that seniors are concerned not simply for their own benefits but for the benefits of their children and grandchildren. They do not want the uncertainty of the stock market for Social Security. Poll after poll shows that the vast majority of Americans do not support private accounts. Is not necessary to establish private accounts ...
The Terri Schiavo case is a perfect example of how the religious right and the conservative Republicans will do almost anything to get their way. I for one favor allowing the parents of this woman to care for her if they so chose. That is not the issue at hand. The Republican conservatives see this as another opportunity to gain political advantage with people who believe as they do. The Republican “talking points” clearly show how the Republican leadership considered this case an op...
Only in government can someone who failed to do their job receive a promotion. What in the world is President Bush thinking about by nominating Wolfowitz to the World Bank? First ,this man is more responsible for the Iraq war policy than any other member of the Pentagon staff. Almost everything we were told about the war has proven to be wrong. It was Wolfowitz that told us our troops would be received as heroes. The cost would be between $60 and $80 billion and their oil revenue w...
The Defense Department Inspector General has finally asked the Justice Department to join the investigation of Hilliburton about the massive overcharges the Pentagon discovered. This began in December 2003 with the initial $1.2 billion overcharge for fuel sales in Iraq. In January there were the disclosures of $6.3 million taken by two other employees. In February another 16 a million-dollar overcharge for for meals was disclosed. In February 16th another hundred and $140 million in f...
Take a few moments to answer the following questions. Since George W. Bush took office: Are you and your family better off financially? Have the tax cuts helped you? Do you feel more secure? Has the way other nations view America improved? Have we begun rebuilding our infrastructure? Can you afford healthcare and prescription drugs? Are we doing enough for Homeland defense? Have we made Social Security financially secure? Have we made Medicare financi...