I hope the conference today will begin a process that will lead to a settlement of the Israeli/ Palestinian conflict. However one can not fail to look back at the past 7 years of inaction by Bush. Bush is trying to salvage something that he hopes future generations will look upon as a positive accomplishment of his 8 years in office. To date the only issue that is a positive accomplishment is the agreement with North Korea to end their nuclear program. This will be the last chance...
Dan Rather filed a $70 Million dollar lawsuit against CBS for being the “fall guy” over the Bush Texas Air National Guard story. The controversy over the authenticity of the order given Bush by his Commanding Officer to take a Required Flight Physical was the only issue everyone wanted to focus on. The facts about Bush and his service in the Air Guard were not important. In reality this story has many more issues the most important of which is how Bush got an Honorable Discharge without which...
This is a question that needs to be answered. I would like to see the Pentagon’s rational for the timing of our invasion of Iraq. In late 2002 the Pentagon said that Saddam had no offensive military capability. We had the UN Sanctions in place as well as the No Fly Zones in March 2003. The UN Weapons inspectors were back in Iraq and David Kay had learned six weeks BEFORE Bush invaded Iraq that the BIO WMD story was not true. He would have also learned there was NO WMD, including n...
The assertions of Scott McClellan and the earlier revelations that Armitage, Rove and Libby told reporters that Valery Plame was a CIA agent demand that all the facts concerning this unfortunate situation be investigated by the Special Prosecutor and a determination made what, if any, laws were broken so that any individuals involved can be prosecuted under the laws of our country. With what is known, no one could argue that there is not enough evidence to move forward and uncover ALL the...
Scott McClellan, Former Presidential Press Secretary revealed today that Bush, Cheney, Rove, Libby and Card were part of the Cover up of the leak to the press that Valerie Plame was a covert CIA Agent. McClellan said that Bush lied when he directed him to tell the press that none of the White House staff were involved in the cover up. It was all lies McClellan said. This may be the Smoking Gun that Bush and Cheney can not cover up!
The House approved $50 Billion for the Iraq War and Senate GOP members prevented that bill from coming to a vote. It is now clear what is stopping the Iraq War Funding are the GOP members of Congress and George W. Bush. I would suggest the Defense Secretary address his comments to them. If our troops do not have what they need it is clearly because of the GOP and President Bush. I wonder how they will justify their actions?
Every time any of the GOP Presidential candidates talk they try and demonstrate they are more conservative then the other GOP candidates. Most conservatives are Republicans and only 23% of registered voters are Republicans. There are more Independent voters then either Republican or Democrat and most Independents do not support the conservative views. The Democrats have about 25% of the registered voters and I doubt that any of them support most of the conservative views. That means t...
I have just read Curveball by Bob Drogin. For anyone who still believes we were in danger from Saddam and were justified to invade Iraq, please read this book. This book tells how the environment created by George W. Bush allowed one low level Iraqi engineer to weave a fairy tale that as David Kay told Bush, “The United States has gone to war to chase a mirage”. This was the person that was the ONLY source of the most important justification Powell used to invade Iraq in his Febr...
Energy prices could be one of the most important issues in the 2008 election. Surveys of probable reaction to the continuing increase in both gasoline and heating oil prices clearly show that almost 40% said they would be forced to cur spending in other areas because of higher energy prices. Bush and the GOP have done NOTHING to deal with the energy issues or in moving our country to become less dependent on oil. They did not support major initiatives to develop alternate energy prod...
In the past I have concentrated the major policies on the Bush Administration. This Blog will document some lesser choices made by Bush and enacted into law by the GOP controlled Congress from 2001-2007. Bush cut funding for the IRS which has REDUCED the number of agents at a time when we need to insure we collect all the taxes due under existing law to reduce the budget deficit. Bush cut funding for Social Security staffing and the number of the staff has fallen at a time when the ...
Some timer ago I wrote a Blog that warned of the danger in Pakistan. Today General Musharraf declared an emergency ahead of their Supreme Court decision as to weather the recent victory of Musharraf is constitutional since he refused to give up his position as head of the Military. Communications were cut by the Musharraf government and now all 8 members of the Supreme Court of Pakistan have declared the emergency declaration set aside and invalid. Bush tells us that we must have democ...
This is the cry of most Republicans and some Democrats. It is time to stop making this generalized statement and take an HONEST look at the Federal Budget. To help with that please take a look at the following Web Site: www.thebudgetgraph.com . It will give you a very clear picture of just where the Federal Government is spending YOUR tax dollars. I have looked at this issue as well at the major issues that face our country and will impact spending for the foreseeable future. The obj...
The use of U.S. Air power in Afghanistan is creating tension between the people and government of Afghanistan and the U.S. American military commanders claim they need to use the air assets because of the lack of ground forces in Afghanistan. The collateral damage, as it is called, from air strikes is turning many Afghanis’ against the U.S. effort to destroy the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in that country. It is another result of Bush sending the bulk of our ground forces into Iraq and no...
All you FAT CAT supporters better get ready. The Democrats will control in January 2009 and the worm will turn. The new tax proposal is a good example. The new plan will LOWER the taxes for 91 Million Americans , Lower tax rates on corporations and increase the rates less then 5% for the very wealthy who number about 1.5 Million. GREAT NEWS. Help for the masses and offset the lost revenue by taxing those that can afford to pay just a little more. NO ONE can claim with a straight ...
The House passed a revised S-CHIP bill by a vote of 265-142 yesterday. The two major objections of the GOP to the first bill was that children of illegal immigrants would receive coverage and that the benefits were available to families making 4 times the poverty level which was just over $80,000 per year. The new bill deals with both these issues. It prevents benefits from being paid for children of illegals. It also reduced the maximum income levels to about $62,000 per year. The new...